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Drop Down List With Multiple Email Addresses


Former Community Member
I created a form which requires users to choices from a drop down list. I want to associate their choice with a specific email address and then submit the completed .pdf form to the specified email address. I have tried writing a Java Script to accomplish this selection but have failed to make the operation work. Help!! Thanks.
87 Replies


Level 1
Thanks, Paul, exactly what I was looking for. Thanks again.


Level 1
Can you send me this too please? n_linus at yahoo dot com


Former Community Member
Hi Paul,

could you send me the example too? That would be great!



Level 1
I'd appreciate receiving a copy as well. I'm trying to send a filled-out form to a list of recipients, via the 'Submit' button and using LC Designer 8.x


Todd Bostwick


Level 7
I'd like a copy as well ... aditya.shah@gsinc.com

Is there a site you can upload these sample forms. They can be very helpful.


Former Community Member

Hi Paul.  I'd appreciate a copy of the example.  Thank you.


Level 1

Hi Paul,

This worked great! I used it in LiveCycle Designer for an electronic time-off request for our field sales. They fill it out then the submitt button in their section sents it to their supervisor for his digital signature. The supervisor's section has another button that sends the form to me and HR. They love it.

I'm a newbie with this and really appreciate the help. Thanks much.



Level 1

Hi Barb,

I am creating almost same form like yours, time off request form.

I like to setup the drop down list of managers to select then the summit button will send to the selected manager's e-mail.

Can you share how you created this?

I am new for this program and need all the help I can get.

Thanks you very much in advance.

My email is jl9911@gmai.com



Level 1

Hi JLee,

Geeez . . . I created the form more than a year ago, also new to LCD and Acrobat forms, and it's not something I do on a regular basis so the infrequency often requires I figure out what I previously did all over again. I pulled my hair out for weeks with this one, all trial and error. If I recall, what you're trying to do requires a hidden "real email" button, I've attached a page of instructions I got from the same message board that was a key to getting it to do what I wanted (email Options file attached)


I also often referenced two books, PDF forms Bible and Creating Dynamic Forms with Adobe LiveCycle Designer (the latter being most helpful and has a CD with Demo Files that you can dig through for comparison and script), several online articles and Adobe Designer Help, part of which I printed to keep in a 3-ring binder for reference. I've attached some of them along with my form so you can try to decipher the madness to my methods :).

Chapter 6 from Cheridan Smith's book also helpful: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/livecycle/articles/advanced_formdesign.html

Though not easy or direct, I hope some of this is helpful to you.

~ B.


Level 5

Re:  email_Options.pdf sample file

Sorry about several questions at once, but I'm really new to LiveCycle Designer ES2 (just a couple of weeks).

I'm trying to understand how the Fake Email and Real Email buttons work together, along with the drop-down list of users.  I don't see any actions or settings that tie them together.  I don't see anything in the Javascript editor either.  When I remove the drop-down list from the document the buttons no longer work.

How is the Real Submit button programmatically clicked?

Is there no way to do what the Fake Email and Real Email buttons do with a single button?


Former Community Member
Hi Paul,

Could you please forward me your sample form as well? I would really appreciate it!



Level 2
I'd like a copy as well ... mehul_thakor@infosys.com

Is there a site you can upload these sample forms. They can be very helpful.