Hello folks,
I am using adobe acrobat pro dc.
As beacuse I am working in quality department, maybe one of yours get involved in, we are highly using form based documents.
And for their release, senior bosses must signature or approve them. But I dont want to print them and get them wet signed. So, my aim is after I did a form, I will send this form via adobe program and form will visit each bosses, after the last one. when the last boss signatured or approved on to the document, the program will inform me that every senior bosses and the last boss did signature or approve.
For example.
I did a form in pdf file named, weather.pdf. and will have 5 bosses. a1, a2, a3, a4, a5. so I will send the weather.pdf to all bosses at once and a1 will sign first. then a2, then a3....and last a5...but a2 can not sign before a1 signed or approved.
what I meaned by approving is, simply saying ok or have a button to click.thats even enough for me.
I will be really appreciated if you have any formula.
Thank you.
p.s. I do not have any code writing experience and knowledge.
have a nice days.