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Beta version of Spark LCCS


Level 3

We're pleased to announced the beta of the Spark (and therefore mobile) version of LCCS SDK.

Attached is a Zip file containing the SWC and the source.

There are a few issues we know about. Please let us know any additional issues you run across.

Here're the release notes:

LCCS Spark SDK beta 1 release notes:

This is a beta release of the LCCS SDK converted to the Spark framework. Because it is not a release version, we do not recommend you produce production apps with this version of the SDK.

There are known issues with this release of the SDK (see below). If you find issues that we have not listed, please let us know on this thread.

We’re not planning on doing extensive mobile-specific interface work for the Spark SDK. However, if there are particularly egregious usability problems on mobile devices, please let us know.
Known issues:
Text generally:

  • Applying text styles to a range of text applies the style to the whole text object.
  • Bullets don’t work.


  • Two-finger rotation does not rotate around the correct center.
  • Text item location can change on first click.
  • Occasionally, non-functional scroll bars will appear.


  • The line spacing in the history display is inconsistent.


  • Front facing camera is not available on mobile devices.
  • Camera only works in portrait mode.
  • We’ve seen some cases where framerate is very poor on mobile devices. If you experience this issue, please let us know the device on which you are experiencing this problem.


  • There’s a dependence on the mobiletheme swc. That dependence will go away for the release version of the SDK, but in the meantime, you can deal with it by linking to the swc, which should be in /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.5/sdks/4.5.1/frameworks/themes/Mobile/mobile.swc (or the equivalent on Windows) if you are using Flash Builder.
  • Apps using this framework must specify -swf-version=12 in compiler options. They also depend on AIR 2.7 and/or Player 10.3.
  • The namespace (http://ns.adobe.com/rtcmobile) is not final and will change.
19 Replies


Level 1


How does one upgrade FB to Air 2.7? I am kinda stuck on that step.

I am using FB 4.5.1 which comes packaged with AIR 2.6 runtime. So I downloaded AIR 2.7 Sdk and copied the folders over to the FB sdk directory but to no avail.

Now my FB is complaining that it can't recognize the flex SDK (see image below).

Screen shot 2011-08-07 at 6.54.13 PM.png


Level 1

Ok I got it to work. I had to merge rather than override the folders.

Just in case someone else has the same problem. Here is how to resolve it:

  1. quit eclipse
  2. Download the Air SDK 2.7 from here
  3. Move the downloaded file "AdobeAIRSDK.tbz2" to <fb_install_root>/sdks/4.5.1
  4. unzip it there: "tar jxvf AdobeAIRSDK.tbz2"
  5. restart eclipse

Now you should be able to see "http://ns.adobe.com/air/application/2.7" namespace in the app config xml when you create a new mobile project.


Level 2

Is there any way to hack/force front-facing camera support? I understand the feature is probably disabled because Android devices are a nightmare on the front facing camera thing but I'm building an iOS app and there shouldn't be any technical trickery to make it work.


Level 3

Not as far as I know. I'll see if I can find out anything from the Runtime

team about it.



Front-facing camera is available (as a standard Android API) only starting with Android 2.3 (Gingerbread).

I know the player / runtime team had Android support scheduled for sometime after 2.3 was available on a few devices but I guess they didn't make it for AIR 2.7. Hopefully it will come with the next update (I don't know the official schedule, I am just "guessing").

Note that front-facing support has been available for iOS for quite some time.


Level 2


Just wondered if there was any update on the beta of the spark LCCS?

are we still only on Beta 1 or has anything else been released yet?

Is there a private pre-release group for this and if so who would I talk to about getting onto it?

I know some of the pds are in a quite basic state in beta 1 but we've been having a look look at them, and trying to clean them up etc.

One issue I havent as yet been able to sort out is getting the TextArea in simpleChat to update it's scroll position correctly (ie always have the end of the text range in view), any quick fix for this?

any info on how things are moving with the spark version would be very welcome.




Level 3

Hi Glenn,

Nothing else's been released. There's no secret program or private group or

anything. We've been working on this in the background while waiting for

feedback from the forums. Your bug has been noted, and we'll fix it.

We don't have a date for the next release. As soon as we do, we'll let you

know. In the meantime, if you can let us know any other issues you see that

we've not listed it'd be great, so we can make sure we address them.




Level 2

Hi Sasha

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly.

as I said, we're all really pleased that the Spark component set is being worked on.

Do you want bug just reported here or is there a JIRA page for them?

Thanks again


tinylion uk


Level 3

Hi, Glenn.

We don't have an outward facing bugbase for LCCS, so please just report bugs


Incidentally, to solve the issue you mentioned above, if I understand it

correctly, you should be able to just add the following line at the end of

RichTextArea.set htmlText

dispatchEvent(new Event("htmlTextChanged"));




Level 1

I installed AIR 3.0 with Flash Builder 4.5.1, created a mobile application, and was able to run the camera and video for Collaboration Service without linking the mobile.swc.

Is it safe to assume that the mobile.swc no longer needs to be added to the Flex Build Path?

Or maybe the mobile.swc is needed for other functionality?




Level 1

When will you release a new version that supports the flash builder 4.6 sdk? With FB 4.6, get exception like the one below because the text classes have changed:

TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert spark.components.supportClasses::StyleableStageText@5eca3851 to spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableTextField.


Level 1

When using these components in an iOS app, I found that the audio publisher never started. Works fine on the desktop though... but it's doing my head in that it won't work on an iPad!


Level 3

Thanks for the report. We’ll take a look at it!

Does it work for you in the simulator?



Level 1

Oh yes. Everything works as expected in the simulator.

If it's relevant: I had an event listener on the audio publisher that was never called:, i.e.

never called 'setMicParameters' in iOS

The microphone can be detected using

  and works in other Flex apps.

So, it's probably not the microphone itself...




Level 3

That’s helpful!

I’ll look into it.




Level 1

Got it working!

The issue seems to be the AIR version: when compiling using AIR 3 everything worked as expected. AIR 2.7 doesn't. So something must have been fixed in AIR3....


Level 3

Aha, that  explains the difficulty in reproduction.

Glad you were able to get it going.


Level 2

Has this mobile sdk version been incorporated into the 2.1 or 2.2 SDK?  I can only get design view to work with the beta spark SDK mentioned, anything using the 2.1 or 2.2 doesn't allow design view for mobile projects.  Maybe it will all roll out as a 4.6 release, but I havent had much luck.

thanks for all the awesome work
