I'm trying to fill in my employment history into a prospective employer's fillable form. When I input employment history into 1 block, it automatically replicates to the next employment history block. When I delete the replicated information, the previous block (the one I want to remain) also delete...
Hello,I've been working on this for 2 weeks and can't figure it out. Any help would be appreciated.I have a button (btn1) on my master page (mPage). I want to change the color of this button to red when the user chooses one radio button (radiobtn) on page 2 of a 3 page form. After that, the master p...
I have LiveCycle ES 8.2 JBoss setup.I have a simple (short live ) orchestration which take few input (String) parameters dose some business logic and return result (String).I have a Flex client which uses a Flex remoting (RemoteObject) to invoke the service's invoke operation by passing the input pa...
Hi,I'm prepopulating my form with xml. I need to access some elements in this xml (get the value of) using javascript and xpath.Anybody know how that can be done, please?Kind regars Lars
The LiveCycle on-line help is pretty cryptic on this one . . . .I have an existing table in a form in which the designer (me) left off a footer row by mistake. In lieu of deleting the table and rebuilding it using the Table Assistant, is there a way to add a footer row to the existing table? The on-...
Is there a way to make a subform have characteristics similar to a dialog box? I made a custom popup messagebox but I have 2 main issues:1) Everything in the background is still clickable.2) It doesnt act like a prompt and the next bits of code continue to run.Thanks,
Thanks for all reply first!I have formatted the submitted data into an XML file on the server side,this file can be import to PDF form correctly.I try to send this XML file to the user to let him can review what he has submitted.I guess that I should create a data connection to the XML file so that ...
Hi, I migrated from LC 8.0.1 SP3 to LC 8.2.My process work fine but when I use the workbench, I can see the xfaform variables in the XPath Builder in red with the message : Error: java.lang.reflect.Invokation.TargetException).I can use them in process and the process works but I can't use the builde...
hi guys,I got an error occurred creating the form (task 1202, form 0). (ALC-WKS-007-040).i am using XDP form.so what can i do now?I am very new person working on LiveCycle. I read earlier topic on same error but cant undersand anything. so please help me in simple manner.........thanks
Hi,Does anybody faced the problem while rendering pdf when parameter of renderForm method sContentRootURI is set as https url?Any help is appreciated!Thanks-Dhananjay