We have implemented Web SDK on our websites and a tag in Data Collection. We have a scenario where we have common data layer across sites, common launch script but we need to send data to different report suites from datastream depending upon either a value in datalayer or a folder structure in URL.
We have common tags, rules, and schema structure and in data streams we can add multiple reportsuites but how do we pass info to only one report suite at a time as per the value in datalayer or URL folder structure?
Passing data to one reportsuite and then creating virtual reporsuite is not possible due to limitations of VRs and also the overall traffic will be too huge to cross monthly limits.
Solved! Go to Solution.
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At this point, I don't see any way to do this other than to use VISTA rules.
Your use case seems valid. I wish that there were a modern way to accomplish it.
When implementing Web SDK, you have to remember how data flows from your website to AA:
your website --> Launch Tags --> Web SDK --> Datastream --> AA
So to send data to multiple AA report suites, you need to modify your Datastream. Click the 3-dot menu for the Adobe Analytics service and choose "Edit". Then add all of the report suite IDs that you need to send data to.
Hope that helps!
But I don't want to send data to all reportsuites in one go. It needs to be on the basis of some condition like
if condition1 == true then send data to reportsuite1
else if condition2 == true then send data to reportsuite2
else send data to reportsuite3
How can this conditional sending to different reportsuites be done with same tags?
I haven't tried the following myself, but I believe it should work for your situation.
In the Web SDK extension, create a new instance and fill up the information as required. Provide a unique name for that new instance too, instead of the default "alloy".
With this new instance, you'll also need to use other Datastreams with the appropriate Adobe services in there, i.e. where the Analytics services sends data to your other report suite.
Then, in your rule where you have the Web SDK > Send event action, update the action to use your new instance. I assume that your rule has the conditions to control whether or not to send the events to that other report suite.
So your Launch setup would be like this:
If you're sending the same data to both report suites, then you can use the same XDM object with both Web SDK > Send event actions.
Hope that's what you want now.
But then OrgID needs to be different for second instance?? Will another OrgID mean different ECID to be generated for same visitor?
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Are you saying that your second report suite belongs to a different organisation?
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No, the organization needs to be same as multiple reportsuites are for same org.
But while creating second instance of Web SDK, it doesn't allow to create with same OrgID. It needs different orgID for multiple instances and this is WebSDK limitation
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Oh, err, that sucks.
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At this point, I don't see any way to do this other than to use VISTA rules.
Your use case seems valid. I wish that there were a modern way to accomplish it.
There's currently no way to override the datastream setting, unfortunately. The product team has heard this feedback before, though, and I hope there will be a way to do this in the future.
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Hi @Parm2
Have you looked at Virtual Report Suite in Analytics, that could be your way out that Web SDK is pushing the information to a master report suite and the Virtual Report suite Analytics feature make the data available in subsequent report suites... This requires the report suite to have all the same structure thought and may not be visible in a migration context where each report suite has its own life....
Worth checking this option in Analytics.
Just a thought,
You may use the setAnalyticsVisitorID and setMarketingCloudVisitorID methods in Adobe Web SDK to set distinct IDs for each report suite to feed data to multiple Adobe Analytics report suites from the same Data Collection tags.
You can do the following steps:
Include the Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK library and configure the tracking server and report suite IDs to start the Analytics SDK.
//Initialize Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK
const config = {
// Replace with your own tracking server and org ID
tracking: {
server: 'yourTrackingServer',
orgId: 'yourOrgID',
// Replace with your own report suite IDs
analytics: {
rsid: 'yourAnalyticsReportSuiteID',
const adobe = require('adobe-client');
Use the setAnalyticsVisitorID method to set the ID for the first report suite.
Use the setMarketingCloudVisitorID method to set the ID for the second report suite.
Track your data as normal with the Data Collection tags, and it will be transmitted to both report suites depending on the IDs you choose.
It should be noted that the setReportSuiteIds function may also be used to set an array of report suite IDs, and the data will be delivered to all report suites in the array.
adobe.setReportSuiteIds(['yourAnalyticsReportSuiteID', 'yourOtherReportSuiteID']);
This approach allows you to collect data from a single set of Data Collection tags and send it to multiple report suites as needed.
This seems like a really strange response. Can you point me to some further official documentation on this approach?
Thanks everyone for your suggestions and finally I am able to dynamically select the reportsuite on the basis of domain it is coming from and here is a dummy code for same to over write the one mentioned in datastreams
1. Created separate datastreams for each domain
2. Created a data element for DatastreamSelector and created a list of key-value pairs for required datastreams as per the domains and added Custom Code to as follows where key is generated at runtime from domain name and the the appropriate datastream ID is selected and returned
key = "";
if (_satellite.environment.stage == "development")
if (window.document.domain == "domain1-dev.com" )
key = "domain1";
else if (window.document.domain == "domain2-dev.com")
key = "domain2";
key = key + "_development"
const dsMap = {
"domain1_development": "<datastreamID for domain1 reportsuite>",
"domain2_development": "<datastreamID for domain2 reportsuite>"
return dsMap[key];
3. Added this data element in the Web SDK extension configuration for datastream instead of giving a datastreamID directly
4. With this now I am able to extend it to any no. of environments and domains with single Tag and each domain having its own reportsuite selected as per the page
You can used the newly enabled feature datastreams override. It will allow you to define additional configurations for your datastream and you can send the data to different report suite based on your use case.
Read the documentation here :- DataStream Override .
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