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Web SDK Guided Events hiding "Document will unload" checkbox?


Level 8

Hi team!


I just noticed that as soon as I am choosing a "Guided Event" in the newest Web SDK version, the "Document will unload" checkbox disappears.

Ideally, this should still be there to make sure that a custom link tracking can be sent through a beacon, or am I missing something?









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4 Replies


Level 4

Hi @bjoern__koth 

Sending custom link tracking calls does not rely on document unload it is used to make sure that your data will be send to adobe servers if you're redirecting quickly from one page to another however when document unload is checked you won't get a response back from the server that's why you'll see a collect call with no payload in it.


It relies on send beacon API to asynchronously sends a small amount of data over HTTP to a web server.

check this article for more details 


Also, it is incompatible with the render decision property I guess that's why it is being blurred out because guided event's automatically select the value for event type for send event action.


Level 8

Hi @Ankit_Chaudhary 

the beacon functionality I know.

The "document will unload" checkbox is not grayed out, it is gone for guided events, especially for the Analytics setting.


So, I wonder whether this is a bug then.







Level 4

Hi @bjoern__koth 

Apologies I didn't noticed it is gone when guided events are enabled, however I've checked but didn't find much on guided events.

But as the description mentioned as "checking this will hide and fill certain fields automatically" so I don't think it will be a bug.


Please share if you're working on any use case around this.


Level 8

Hi @Ankit_Chaudhary 

previously, I did a code-only integration of the call, which is also taking into consideration if a tracking request is causing a page unload.


When I saw the new feature, I assumed that I can get rid of my code altogether, but if there is no way to explicitly say that a call is going to unload the page, and hence the chance of an aborted request, it is of no use to me - unless the guided events are smart enough to determine it themselves and switch the transportation mode on the fly.