I have two different tags with the same extensions installed (all on the same versions) and I can't figure out why one of them has the environment property inside the buildInfo section and the other has it's own environment node.
Is anyone else having issues to open debugger? If I click on the extension nothing happens. Already tried removing it and reinstalling again but still nada. How can I fix this?
Hi, I wanted to understand if its absolutely necessary to load adobe launch script asynchronously or we can defer it.What would be the impact if we defer the script.
Hi all, i'd like to know if there is any way to change the datastreamId where the data are sent during the elaboration of some conditions. Is there a way to detect the datastream and then change it, maybe inside a rule? Thanks in advance!
I'm looking at AEP's API docs to see if there's a way to automate an initial setup for Web SDK tracking (i.e. automate the steps described at https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/platform-learn/implement-web-sdk/overview.html?lang=en).But the biggest obstacle is automating Datastreams. It looks l...
Ok, there has to be an easier way to do this, especially since there is a dedicated "Google DataLayer Extension".I have the Google Data Layer extension set to capture my dL name. Here is an example of the dL structure:window.dataLayer =window.dataLayer || [];window.dataLayer.push({'event':'e_gotPers...
Hi guys , I have a problem that My custom code didn't work in data collection and I don't know why Here is the code :var ArticleCheckBox = document.querySelectorAll('[id^="article"]');ArticleCheckBox.forEach(function(element){ element.addEventListener('click',function(){ ...
Team, I am trying to Schedule a job to pick latest file from S3 and ingest into AEP dataset(UI ingestion not API), during this process job is gettign triggered as expected bit its not piking any new file in S3 path to process even post enabling BACKFILL option. it's not allowing me to update "Source...
Hello everyone, everything good?I'm trying to send information through the data collection.This information is a prop that should tell me if it's true or false.In the data collection I created a rule with "Core - Direct Call" event and in the actions I pointed to my prop2, I also created a "Data Ele...
Does it make the implementation analyst less dependent on app developers?Does it give access to app codebase to pick and define variables? One of my goal by switching to Launch is to be less dependent on development team, e.g. triggering trackstate and assigning a screen names in pages report withou...