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GraphQL API in AEM 6.5


Level 4

I've been currently looking at the GraphQL API in the latest SDK and documented here: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-learn/getting-started-with-aem-headless/g...


We currently still use an on-prem version of AEM and it looks like this functionality is currently only available in the Cloud Service solution. 


Is there any plan to release a feature pack with the GraphQL API capabilities for 6.5 and the additional content fragment features (e.g. fragment reference types)?

1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Employee Advisor
11 Replies


Community Advisor

Hi @alistairp781078 

Currently the GraphQL feature is enabled by default only on the AEM SDK from 2021-02-04 or newer on AEM as Cloud Service.

It does not look like Adobe is planning to release it on AEM 6.5 service pack but you can reach out to Adobe Support from your organizations account and check if they have any plans.



Please see the future release notes here:



These are subject to change at anytime.




Level 4

Hey, thanks for the info. Do you know if the are any licensing restrictions on using the JAR in the SDK as an on-prem substitute to 6.5? @Asutosh_Jena_ 


Community Advisor

Hi @alistairp781078 

AEM 6.5 and SDK (AEM as Cloud) both comes with different licensing approach. On your local instance you can use any license key and it will not have any issue but when it comes to an actual product development/production, you will need separate license for both the product. For this you will need to reach out to Adobe Licensing team and they will be able to provide the details around it.




Level 4
@Asutosh_Jena_, I figured that might be the case. I'll ask around at work then and see if we can get in contact with someone at Adobe about the Cloud Service solution. Thanks again!


Level 3

This reply is already out-of-date and should not be the correct answer anymore. It is misleading now. 

See this other reply from "dgordon86": 




In-line with the strategy to roll out features on Cloud Service 1st, and 2nd add them to 6.5 Service Packs, the GraphQL support for Content Fragments will be released for 6.5 in the 2nd half of 2021. Most likely SP 6.5.10.


Level 4
That's exciting news, thank you for the info!


Level 1
Hope you have a moment to clarify Cedric. When you mention "GraphQL support for Content Fragments" that includes fragment references and the functionality explored here (AEM Headless - GraphQL) , https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-learn/getting-started-with-aem-headless/g...?


Level 2

Interesting...will this still be align with service pack 10 release?


Correct answer by
Employee Advisor


Level 3

This should be the correct answer.