I have created the above launch. how should I view launch whenever I go in crx(/content/launches/2021/10/18/test_page) and double click it opens page which is empty. I tried changing it to publish mode as well by changing 4502-> 4503
Hello Team Trying follow the https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-65/developing/devtools/aem-eclipse.html?lang=en# (AEM Developer Tools for Eclipse) And when try to create a new project type AEM Sample Multi Module Project, on the second step when I try to pick the archetype, m...
Hey Everyone, Have a Look at my new blog on *Sling Framework Part - 2*Sling POST Servlet, Resource Resolver, Service Users1. Sling POST Servlet2. Default Servlets3. Mapping for Resource Resolver4. Resource Resolver - Inheritance5. Resource Resolver6. Service Users7. Sling Context - Aware Configurati...
Hey,Look at my new blog on *Sling Framework Part - 1*Sling Architecture, REST Principles, Sling Resolving1. What is Apache Sling?2. Introduction to Apache Sling3. Apache Sling: Script Resolution4. URL Decomposition5. Sling Resolution exampleDon’t forget to watch video for better understanding!https:...
We recently upgraded AEM Environment from 6.5.9 to 6.5.10, and we don't see a simple fragment coming from AEM OOTB(/libs). Is this deprecated in the latest version? in 6.5.9, when we create content fragments below simple fragment showed up - in 6.5.10 it is not available -
Hi, I'm trying to utilize the below AEM Query:type=cq:Pagep.hits=selectivep.properties=jcr:pathp.limit=-11_group.1_daterange.property=jcr:content/cq:lastModified1_group.1_daterange.upperBound=2021-10-141_group.2_nodename=gr*1_group.2_property.comparison=likepath=/content/But it returns everything un...
I have a need to use the Edit | Form Options | Export Data feature to convert PDFs to XML. I need to be able to do this programmatically. have done research on the SDK and this maybe a solution. I have Adobe Acrobat Pro 2017 installed. I was to work with the AcroExch COM object in Powershell. This ...
Hi All, I'm implementing dispatcher for the first time and I have a question on statfilefileslevel and statfile.What are best practices to use this configuration in dispatcher. Thanks,Aruna
Hello,I have a requirement to implement 2FA. There will be some pages that require 1FA and other pages that require 2FA. So if the user tries to access a page that requires 1FA, they are redirected to external login page (we're using OIDC). Once 1FA authentication is successful, the user is presente...