Hi all, I am preparing a demo with Content Fragment, and one feature I'd like to demo is auto summarisation. I crated one CF with content in Chinese but I am not able to see the "Summarise Text" button in the tool bar, did I miss something? Or may be only English is supported for this feature?
Hello All, I am aware of the fact that we need to make entry in "Day CQ Link Checker" in order to support href value as "tel:" like below: Question: There are multiple sites from different vendors ruuning at same AEM instrance. If we make changes like above, It will be applied across all other sites...
Hi, I am trying to use Image OOTB lazy loading, it works fine in desktop and Tablet when i just scroll down the page but it is not working in mobile screen. In mobile screen, I had to do a hard touch to load the images. If i add "touchmove" event to list of events added in core image.js, then on scr...
Hi, I have secured pdf's using the AEM Document security server but users on iPad or iPhones are unable to open the secured document. I have followed the suggested workaround as per the URL below but it still odes not work and the error message is as displayed.https://helpx.adobe.com/africa/aem-form...
Hi all, I have to clean up the repository of AEM publishers. Does it need downtime? May I know deleting repo impact the current data? How can I clean up repo. Thanks.
Hi I have tried uploading images say 16kb but the code uses ACS named transformation on the image and the image size is increasing say 164kb. Is there a way to retain the transformation of the uploaded image without increasing the size, keeping the dimensions as required?
My AEM author Instance has alot of sling jobs in queue which is making it to be in critical state and causing slowness of my AEM Instance. How to remove all those slingjobs from the queue?
The vhost file only seems to support http (non SSL) traffic.We want to have:http://ourdomain.com -> https://www.ourdomain.comhttps://ourdomain.com - > https://www.ourdomain.comhttps://ourdomain.com/something.html -> https://www.ourdomain.com/something.html.etc. We would guess something like this wou...
Getting this error in logs. AEM would not render anymore 25.09.2021 11:08:10.964 *ERROR* [metrics-RRD4JReporter-1-thread-1] com.codahale.metrics.ScheduledReporter Exception thrown from RRD4JReporter#report. Exception was suppressed.java.lang.IllegalStateException: RRD already closed, cannot store th...