We have a React component that returns data from the DAM based on the category Tag assigned to it. Is there a way to pass an attribute from React to the sling model and update the model.json with category data to display in React? Or will we have to keep using servlets to achieve this?
We are trying to leverage aem personalization for content targeting using contexthub targeting engineOn authoring its working fine but on publish site I'm getting 403 error due to wrong path to target experience. Wrong path : https://www.samplesite.ca/en/personalization-page/_jcr_content/root/resp...
I have created a component that outputs a text label and an image. There is also a design setting provided for the template to set something relevant to the presentation. When used on a page, it works fine. However if I use Sling Dynamic Includes to enhance the component to have SSI with a TTL on ...
We want to provide a PDF download section to our website visitors with filter options defined by tags. Requirements:- Full text search (file name, title, description)- Filter by document type- Filter by tags- Result: Downloadable asset with related languages (Dropdown where user can select PDF langu...
Hi allAEM got this External Service Interaction (DNS) and may I know any reference of how to fix this? 'It is possible to induce the application to perform server-side DNS lookups of arbitrary domain names.The payload uge************l5oipzq7ejwa71du1nzbt5hv4lsa.burpcollaborator.net was submitted in ...
I created a custom script for input validation which checks if another input has value and if ithas the current input should be disabled.This behavior is validated by external script that'sconnected through "extraClientlibs" property in "jcr:root" of the current template "_cq_dialog"content. And the...
Hey all, I have create a custom experience fragment template under /conf. I have also create a new user and added that user to experience-fragments-editors group but the new user is not able to view the template while creating new experience fragments. However, an admin user can see the new template...
Hi community, i'm working on a client new website.the existing website in also on AEM 6.5 and the new it's a version with new feature. current site is mapped on:/content/currentSite/*and the new on:/content/newSite/* I have the question about the suggestion query:1) in the new site, i need to index ...