Hi All,Is it possible to get a JCR session from a standalone Java program for an AEM instance running in a cloud? We have a usecase where we need to manipulate properties of hundreds of assets under a folder tree based on the parent folder name (such as pdfs, photos) etc. I was thinking about writin...
Hi All, I am seeing the below warning in my error.log files and the entry of this warring is very huge. I didn't find targeteditor.html file anywhere in AEM and not using any such thing or reference in our custom component. Does anyone has experience this and what causing this warring and how to fix...
It seems I have a similar issue to https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-manager/error-while-opening-page-editor-quot-handler-of-component-is/m-p/420184#M119604 For me, this appears to have happened between the 6.5.11 and 6.5.12 upgrade. I did a quick check if I had confl...
Hello, I have a dispatcher configuration with /enableTTL "1" Most of the caching is done based on stat files, but some resources needs to be cached using TTL. When I have a resource that is cached with ttl I noticed that it affects the response headers that are send to the browser, for example I hav...
Hello, I have a fileupload field in my dialog which will, when clicked on browse, display selection path that i predifined(wanted behaviour).The default behaviour is to display everyhting in dam path but i would like to make author only browse from my path like /content/dam/project. I know this is p...
Hello, I have a requirement to add two additional tag fields in page properties below original tags field.(i am using cq/gui/components/coral/common/form/tagfield). As you can see from the picture there are two additional fields, Luka tags and Marko tags. They are both mandatory and both have their ...
I created this component and follow these steps to show a field when a checkbox is checked but it is not working.1. Add cq-dialog-checkbox-showhide class to checkbox field.2. Add cq-dialog-checkbox-showhide-target data attribute to the granite:data node under checkbox and value will be jquery select...
hi all, what would be the best approach to handle following requirement : We need to have one global website in English and multiple country specific web sites which could be multi language. All examples are showing country/lang specific organization but we could find approach which incorporates gl...
Hi, is there a way to access the policy of a certain component that has been called by component using data-sly-resource?Let's say I have a parent component and calls the customcomponent using data-sly-resource: <sly data-sly-resource="${ 'share' @ resourceType='core/wcm/components/custom/customcomp...
Hi all, I'm creating a registration form using core form container. I need to send form payload to external API then using that API I need to show success or failure message after click on the submit button. Can anyone help me with this ??