Can someone help me clear the validation errors with dispatcher please? I have two issues below and wondering if i can create a custom rewrite and filter. I used relaxed command and it successfully completed but with below command i face below issuesIncluding it as part of the source code and i do h...
I have followed the WKND project tutorial and successfully build the project but the content is not showing up. Upon checking the WKDN bundle in console it shows installed but not active and I can't activate it as it has few dependency errors. I have tried few options mentioned on internet but dont ...
The HTTP methods TRACE and/or TRACK are enabled in the AEM Cloud similar to the GET, PUT and POST HTTP methods. Trace and track are for server debugging and I want to avoid any exposure to the internet. Any inputs on disabling HTTP methods TRACE and/or Track for AEM cloud service would be appreciat...
Hello, We have a need to add meta tags in bulk to many of our pages in AEM (normally adding through Page Properties -> Meta Tag). I was wondering if there is a way to automate this/do it in bulk, either through cURL or other means?Thanks,Kelly
We have an Editable Template that includes a Content Fragment component.The Content Fragment component is configured to reference a placeholder content fragment model. The display mode is selected. I do not see the display mode take effect in the Editable template.If I add a Page using the Editable ...
We have below mentioned TRAVERSAL warn in logs, due to OOB query which generates whenever we open the DAM folder. :-Traversed 1000 nodes with filter Filter(query=select [jcr:path], [jcr:score], * from [nt:base] as a where ischildnode(a, '/content/dam/abcFolder') and [hidden] = 'false' union select [...
I have created a styles node under rtePlugins but not able to see it in the dialog Here is the rte dialog I'm using Adobe Experience Manager, Version 6.5.0
We have a requirement to remove a wrapper div. We are seeing empty div tags <div class="ghost section"></div> on publishers. This is making it difficult for the UI team to target some of the tags. I understand that the ghost nodes are necessary on authors to enable inheritence in the future, but the...
How to split dynamic string value by space in Sightly.Ex: ${item.fullName} gives 'firstname secondname'. I want to split this by space to get 'firstname' and 'secondname'.Please help.Thanks in advance
The Launch copy of pages created via Editable templates works fine, however for pages created via static template, the CSS does not load, leading to broken UI of Launch copy. Any suggestions there ?