Hi, We are using AEM 6.1, jQuery 1.12.4 version. There is a requirement to upgrade jQuery to 3.5 + and followed https://jquery.com/upgrade-guide/3.0/ .So when tried upgrading to jquery-3.6.0.min.js version without minification in Adobe Granite HTML library the site is working fine. But when minific...
Hi All, We have a requirement to append the banner dimensions in an array format to generate the script encoded in HTL .Here in the script , the size mapping should be formed from the input given in the multi field item. sizeMapping: [[[x, y], [[a, b], [e, f]]],[[z ,x], [a, b]],[[y, z], [[e, f], [c,...
I am not getting cq:isCancelledForChildren=true on cancelling the inheritance, hence on performing MSM rollout, modifications on live copy where inheritance is cancelled is also getting removed.Can anyone help?
Hi, I tried to automate the process and move the asset from one folder to another using workflow in which i moved the asset using assetmanager. However if the same asset is present in the destination folder it is supposed to replace the exiting one but it is not, and i m getting itemExistException w...
Hi All, We all are aware of classic /dispatcher/invalidate.cache which can be used as way to clear dispatcher cache manually using API calls. Does there is similar way to do this in AEM as cloud service using Adobe IO or something maybe? Thanks,Shehjad
I have enabled the extensions in filters too./0010 { /type "allow" /extension '(css|eot|gif|ico|jpeg|jpg|js|gif|pdf|png|svg|swf|ttf|woff|woff2|html|pptx|docx)' /path "/content/*" } I am able to access the other extensions too but not these. These extensions are working on author and publish but not ...
Hi, I am going through course Course ID: ATS_ODL_AEM_SITES_0002 (Develop Websites and Components using AEM) and we have first step to install the local instance of author and publisher.But in AEM_Installation folder we have only license.properties, it does not contain any JAR file. Need support to g...
Why am I getting this error when I am installing a new service pack in my AEM development environment on a new AEM instance? I tried many times of re-installing the Service packs, but I keep on getting this error.How to replicate my problem.1. Delete crx-quickstart folder2. Double click on JAR file3...
I'm using editable templates with the header and footer as experience fragments. On author this works as expected, but on publish the header and footer are missing. In the publish log, I see this:19.05.2022 17:01:30.302 *INFO* [ [1652994090260] GET /home HTTP/1.1] com.day.cq.wcm.foundation....