I'm trying to generate on demand sitemap generation on AEM 6.5.12. I tried going through the video that is provided by Adobe https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-learn/sites/seo/sitemaps.html?lang=enOver there they have showed that after doing certain simple configurations lik...
Hi, we're working on an AEM upgrade from 6.3 to 6.5 SP11. We've already managed to upgrade one environment, which was a short-lived development box in the cloud. We got the upgrade to succeed and get our custom code working on top of the upgraded 6.5 AEM too.The sequence looks as follows: Pre-upgrad...
In our project,we are doing AEM Integration with Adobe Target using Adobe I/O we are able to connect to Target. Is there any way to package the dev Environment Configuration(AEM Target Configuration ) to other Dev Environment or we need to manually create a AEM target Integration for every environme...
Hello all,Recently I've come across this scenario when it comes to core components - Let's say we have developed a proxy component with v3 version as the supertype of Text component. This component has been dragged and dropped in hundreds of pages. We need to update the component to v4 after Adobe r...
Hi, I don't see a Forms tab in my Tools. I need to create a watched folder.Which version of forms add on package should I get? Please Advice. Thanks! http://localhost:4502/aem/start.html
Hi All I am trying to migrate from Aem6.3 to Aem 6.5 configured with S3 using Crx2oak tool.This is the command I am usingjava -Xmx4096M -jar crx2oak-1.10.0-all-in-one.jar "C:\Soucre\crx-quickstart\repository" "C:\target\crx-quickstart\repository" --src-datastore="C:\source\crx-quickstart\repository...
How to Translate assets metadata one language to another languagei have tried with micro soft translate in aem but i am unable to translate aem assets into different languages below is the screen shotcan you please provide more details on it to translate assets.thanks in advance.@arunpatidar @Jörg_H...
GraphQL endpoint management tile is missing under Tools/Assets. GraphQL tab is also missing on Content Fragment Model Properties. But they are there I can access with direct link. Any ideas?