Here, path is variable that stores the path value of video=> path is having value (i.e. path1 & path2 prints value)But, the following method is defined outside @PostConstruct and here path value is empty (i.e. path3 & path4 are empty)Any insights please?
Dear All, I have an customised tab component and when i am deleting tab then it is deleting from frontend (my HTML page) but it is not deleting from CRXDE, means in node still it is present. For Example.I have created 3 tabs (tab1, tab2 and tab3) and in each tab I have 2 links.Now I am deleting tab3...
Hi Everyone, I created a custom lucene index on local environment and deploy it to the cloud via ui.apps module. Index definition created on Author instance succesfully. Then i created new version of the index with naming convention. first index name "cqPageLucene-custom-1" and new one's name is "cq...
Hi Here 2 trace log for conversion any document to Pdf On ALC 2022-06-23 09:23:58,950 INFO [com.adobe.pdfg.BMCCaller] (http- ALC-PDG-001-024-File.jpg: Time Job Submitted: 6/23/22 9:23 AM for job = File.jpg3cd9aa-a58661-2a4aac-832532-0cad9a-4d6c6e2022-06-23 09:23:58,950 INFO [com...
Hi,Could some provide suggestions as what we could to do to Protect aem website from hackers using query parameters. We have and the anonymous user can keep running batch jobs that could be sending new query parameters request every second to the website like
Hi everyone, I was trying to create a Junit test for my ImagePlus component, an image to which I added a getName. I initialized the test in setUp like so:@ExtendWith({AemContextExtension.class, MockitoExtension.class}) class ImagePlusTest { private final AemContext ctx = new AemContext(); ...
Hi, I have a custom implementation of a WorkflowProcess (say MyCustomWorkflowProcess), which triggers a custom replication via custom implementation of a TransportHandler (say MyCustomTransportHandler) to trigger CDN cache clear for particular content. All works well however in the event that the r...
Some components in my AEM have a wrench tool, but others don't! Please take a look at my attachment below.How to add a wrench in #1 toolbar?Please give me a hand.Thanks!
Send Email step is taking too long to send a zip file. Currently, on one of our workflows we have configured so a zip file with attachments files is generated in the payload directory: The attachments folder contains the attached file it could be a word file or pdf file, and then a zip file is gener...