HI We are using service credentials from developer console for getting data from api through api but we are not able to get ACL data using this service credentials using OAuth2, it seems credentials have limited permisiions. How we can get ACL data using this credentials what permissions we have to ...
I found out how to sort the sites.html console Column View by modified date and name (and some other options are available too) from http://aem-dev.blogspot.com/2016_08_01_archive.html However I wish to allow the user the options of a Column view sorted by modified date AND a Column view sorted by...
Hi AEM Community, I have the below issue - We are using a dynamic media component for rendering images and videos. We are using a proxy to path /libs/dam/components/scene7/dynamicmedia The console in browser is giving the below error - Here are the points which I could follow - 1. The client...
I am trying to access Adobe Experience Manager Web Console - Configuration to update jaas.ranking.name to 1100 how I can do it on AEM as cloud service sandbox since access to /system/console/configMgr is prohibited in AEM Sandbox. Please let me know how I can update the jaas ranking on cloud insta...
Hi Team, AEM : 6.5.12 We need to save a very BIG JSON String of size around 3.5 MB, in a node property. What is right way to save? Just as a String data type? or should be saving as a Binary data?
We are trying to access “system/console/configMgr" for some system level configuration. For our usecase it is very important to aceess the configMgr window. When I am trying to access I am getting below error. Please let us know how to access “system/console/configMgr.
Hi all, I'm trying to run Request to Complete Move Operation workflow model in one of the asset and we were seeing it is failing at step 2. Error is: com.adobe.granite.workflow.WorkflowException: Process execution resulted in an error at com.adobe.granite.workflow.core.job.HandlerBase.execute...
We are facing issue in Adobe Campaign Classic email when trying to synchronize. There is no issue when we create email from scratch but found issue while copy pasting it. I found release notes https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-65/release-notes/service-pack/6.5.6.html?lang=en...
Hello Folks, Can somebody help me how can Lombok be integrated into AEM project to avoid boilerplate code? Is there any documentation by Adobe? Appreciated if someone can gives with example please. Thanks!
Hi, I am trying to save workflow priority by setting priority through workflow process step. However, the property is not getting set to the item even after commiting the change as per the below snippet. In crx/de it still shows the priority as 0(which is 'MEDIUM'). Any suggestions here please. ...