Hello, Trying to disassemble PDF document contains 100pages to individual pages. Using Workbench ES4 to create process, this is DDX. <DDX xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/DDX/1.0/"><DDXProcessorSetting name="checkpoint" value="4000"/><PDFsFromBookmarks prefix="A"><PDF source="doc1"/></PDFsFromBookmarks><?...
Hi There, We have added special characters to the image name and after syncing the same image with dynamic media when we try to use it through the core image component then the image is not getting rendered. Example : Suppose we have an image with the path "/content/dam/project-name/en/dummy+i...
I am developing a workflow where authors or admins will need to approve it via email. Our goal is to have both regular AEM approval (via the Inbox console) and to send an email notification along with an approval option. We have created an email service to send emails to users and are planning to ...
Hi I'm looking fro in-memory key-value storage for object (not html pages or css or js) e.g list of cars something like Redis that could be integrated easily to AEM as Cloud (not on premiss ) so i can access it within the server side code e.g getValue(string key) any ideas ? Thanks in ...
Created a clientlib for multifield content fragment in my project folder structure of /apps/abc/clientlibs/clientlib-cfm-composite-multifield and category provided as - dam.cfm.authoring.contenteditor.v2 The multifield content fragment working fine. But when I do a search in CRXDe with the category ...
aem-guides-wknd.core: Could not resolve dependencies for project com.adobe.aem.guides:aem-guides-wknd.core:jar:1.1.1-SNAPSHOT: Failure to find org.apache.commons:commons-imaging:jar:1.0-R1534292 in https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2 was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reatte...
I'm trying to implement sizeLimit in cq:dialog of component. But sizeLimit is working only while I upload a file. It's not working while I drag a file from asset. Can I apply sizeLimit while dragging file from asset? <file jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured" sling:resourceType="cq/g...
I have a requirement to pull in packages from a private maven feed. I have added the package repository to my pom.xml files. I have verified that this works locally and I'm able to use ~/.m2/settings.xml to authenticate against the feed. How can I configure the settings.xml file to authenticate ...
Hello. I'm setting up ahref in one of the Magento sites. aHref support agent said that their crawling bot was being blocked based on User Agent. How can I possibly able to whitelist their User Agent inside of the Magento site? Thank you
Hi , I am trying to create a launcher but doesnt want to get trigger on com/day/cq/wcm/msm/blueprint/pageEvent . Worklfow Launcher Configuration: Please guide. Thanks, Nikita Garg