I was trying to add some functionality in core component container. So when I added some styling properties like width,height to container component ,there was option in container component for selecting Layout ,so when I chose simple layout and try to add some component in container component I am...
Hi folks, Is it possible to use yarn for AEM UI frontend? In this post, the OP seems to be using yarn. Currently we have webpack but our FE guy wants to change. https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-manager/how-to-clear-yarn-npm-cache-or-remove-lock-files/td-p/423249
Hi All, I am currently working on a new instance of AEM assets. My thoughts at this point is to have 2 mirror folder structures. One that holds all the working assets and the other folder structure will hold all the approved assets. They will both be on author. There will be 3 groups that will ...
Hello Everyone ! There is use case for creating a header component for the application. Planning to move with the navigation component and customising it. How can we include core image component , core search component within navigation component and provide dialog feature within the navigation comp...
Hi All, I have written a workflow which will unpublsih and move node and it's children from payload path to "/content/archived" path. I am successfully able to do, but the challenge I am facing here or the modification is required here is: 1- All the unpublish and move action should be proform...
Hi Team, Please help me on the below issue while stage deployment. No issue on dev deployment - aem release - 2022.9.8630.20220905T184657Z "Unexpected child node getinitiator found in a new node. Caused by org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.api.CommitFailedException: OakConstraint0025: /apps/cq/core[[nt:f...
Hi, AEM form on a page does not even load when running in debug mode. But when same is loading when working on non-debug mode. I am setting below JVM parameters. Removing the JVM debug parameter loads the page on the page. Adding it back loads the page but not the form, while other components on...
Hi All, I am getting error 404 related to "/libs/cq/i18n/dict.en.json", When i check "/libs/cq/i18n/" this location i didn't find any dict.en.json file. Now i want to fix this 404 error. Now I want to create/generate this file at "/libs/cq/i18n/" this location. "/libs/cq/i18n/dict.en.json" 404...
Hi, We are able to run the groovy script in our Local AEM instance, but in DEV instance(there on cloud) we are getting this error "You do not have permission to run scripts in the Groovy Console." Same Service pack (SP-6.5.12) is installed in my DEV and Local instances. Could you please help us...