I'm building an adaptive form in AEM Forms, I have the 'Document of Record Template Configuration' setting set to 'Generate Document of Record'. I'm getting a 'DoR Template Parsing Exception' error when I try to preview the Document of Record via the 'Generate Preview' button in the forms builder ...
Is there an out-of-the-box way to set the id to Layout Container to target the main element of the Page? I was referring below article, but it is using Container and not Layout Container. https://aemsimplifiedbynikhil.wordpress.com/2021/07/16/skip-to-main-content-accessibility-for-aem-web-applicati...
Trying to convert json to xml and trying to indent the xml So used below library but package org.apache.xml.serialize does not exist getting this error though I added dependency in pom <dependency> <groupId>xerces</groupId> <artifactId>xercesImpl</artifactId> <version>2.12.2</version></d...
Hi, I am creating a email template in AEM classic ui. When I first access the template the component in the sidekicks shows. Once I reload or refresh the page, the components in the sidekicks does show. I was thinking it was a caching issue so I went into our server and remove the widget.min.js file...
We have Adobe Managed Services AEM 6.5 with AEM Guides add-on 4.3. We're noticing that user preferences are not persisted across a user's session (e.g., pick a different Folder Profiles value and save, then exit Guides and come back in to find the default Global Profile selected). Is this the expe...
Is there a Out of the Box way or ACS Commons utility to get a report of all User groups in AEM?I saw something in ACS Commons for getting the list of users here - etc/acs-commons/exporters/usergroupstagelist.html, but not for user group.
In our project there is header experience fragment(xf) and inside that we have authored Header component. This header component internally adds experience fragment component using data-sly-resource and path to our experience fragment component. We are authoring path of notification XF into this expe...