we want to check all of the MSM_MOVED pages that are just sitting all over the project websiteInside each language we have so many pages and subpages, how to retriew msm_moved pagesCan anyone share the sql query
The following warning displays frequently: 03.07.2023 18:39:14.610 *WARN* [ [1688434753476] GET /content/torrid/review-dashboard.40740719.11370.html HTTP/1.1] org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.jcr.delegate.SessionDelegate Attempted to perform getItemOrNull while thread [1688434753887]...
Hi Team, I want to do SMTP setup for our AEM Production instance, where can I get/create the SMTP server details? so that I can send email notifications ? Please help.
I have recently created a workflow to replicate the content to preview site using Repicate with option process step. But whenever i trigger the workflow on a page the Published time stamp is also getting updated which I dont want as this publish the content only in preview site.Please advise how to ...
When I try to uninstall the service 6.5.16 just after installing it on my on-premise 6.5.12 through the package manager, it shows the message that it has been uninstalled successfully. Even after deleting the package and restarting, it is still showing the version as 6.5.16 instead of 6.5.12. Wonder...
Hi Team, We are planning to migrate aem 6.3 code base into the cloud. In cloud, planning to move all the etc/clientlibs(css and js file) to ui forntend module. What are the additional steps that need to be taken care here? older version of css and js files compile here?
I have a servlet with doGet and navigationLogic methods. I need to call this navigationLogic method in my util class. How can I do that as @reference is making the servlet and util class unsatisfied? Please suggest something.
Text gets center align but not the bullet point.Below is the code from source editor.<ul><li style="text-align: center;">text</li><li style="text-align: center;">text 2</li><li style="text-align: center;">text 3</li></ul>