Hi All,Like we have properties for pages and we can add custon properties aswell through page component, but for asset if we want to add any new cucstom property how to do that?Thanks in advance,Keerthi K.
Hi Team,I need to execute a query which has to support both like operation and equalsignorecasepath=/content/type=cq:Pageproperty=jcr:content/jcr:titleproperty.value=%Construction%property.operation=likeBut I'm able to use only like operation and equalsIgnorecase separately i need both like and equl...
Hi Team,I'm integrating AEM with ADobe learning Manager, and formed an search api https://learningmanager.adobe.com/primeapi/v2/search?type="course"&query="Ui%20Training" but this is returnning unauthorized access though added accesstokens and client id and client serverid while executing this api. ...