Hi @Keerthi_Ramanukolanu ,can u check package-info.java under models and add correct version there.It might help in resolving this error or paste the complete error u are facing.Thanks.
Hi,This cssspan.strikethrough {text-decoration:line-through;}u can add anywhere in you are present css file which loads when base page loads and let me know if it works.
And, for the clientlibs with StyledtextEditor.js give categories as dam.cfm.authoring.contenteditor.v2 this. which is same as of libs/styledtexteditor.js clientlib category.
Hi ,Inside StyledTextEditor,add property "styles" inside"rteplugins" { "styles": { "features": "*", "styles": { "eyebrow": { "text": "Eyebrow", "cssName": "eyebrow" }, }} In this way u have to add styles, let me knwo if u still f...
yes, we can customise it by extending core components and restricting the fields that are not required as per the requirement and we can also limit number of characters for text box or title by using maxLength property of type long . To hide particular field from core components in custom component ...