Hi!I'm using CQ 5.5 and want to create a workflow model. On a certain step the workflow instance just should wait a defined time and after timeout go to next step. I used an out of the box Process Step, set a timeout of 30 seconds (I overwrote the dialog options) and selected Auto Advancer as Timeou...
I have a content package that contains some translation software that I would like to deploy to author instances only. I would like to use content-package-maven-plugin to do this, but although it's possible to embed bundles into a /apps/app/install.author folder so that they are deployed only to au...
Hi,Considering that replicating a node and all the children underneath it is a very common task, why is there no method/class out of the box for this purpose?While there's /etc/replication/treeactivation.html, but the same functionality is not exposed as a class/method.Thanks.
I am getting error while running the following command "java -jar crx2oak.jar [source CRX 2 repository] mongodb://remoteserver:27017/aem-author" the error is : Exception in thread "main" java.net.UnknownHostException: remoteserver at java.net.Inet6AddressImpl.lookupAllHostAddr(Native Method)...
When user browses certain page, dispatcher will cache js and css the page using, like /apps/project/components/componentA/clientlibs.css. While if the css or js (under clientlibs folder) is updated on Author and Publish, will the dispatcher re-cache this updated file like html page does? In my envir...
Hi,One of our testers noticed that upon opening a page in our CQ deployment, a request was sent to the following URL: https://devedge.day.com/cq5.gif?s=...&u=...&v=...&d=...&j=...&o=...And the request, well, failed with net::ERR_TIMED_OUT in Chrome.This looks like a request for gathering statisti...
Hi Experts,We have Custom Registration and login processes. I have a requirement wherein if the user registers they should be logged in immediately. The registration is LDAP based registration where the user is first created in LDAP and then synced to CQ. The syncing code is where emailId and passwo...