Hi All,i'm new in Adobe CQ5, and developing CMS Application using this, i create ClienLibraryFolder in following directory:/etc/designs/MySiteName/ClientLibFolder/MyLess.lessbut when i'm using this on .jsp file it is not design anything what i defined in .less file, while using .css files i'm gettin...
Hi All,I am facing a problem in publishing a website in aem.My problem is that , when i publish any static pages using package manager , it works fine .But when i use any component in my script , it triggers an error in publish instance as:Unable to compile class for JSP: An error occurred at line: ...
We want to use the copy and paste option for the column control component. Even I added the copy option in the editConfig, it doesn't show up in the dialog. Does anyone know any reason behind that the column control component has no copy/paste option?
HiI am new to AEM. I am trying to create a basic page component using sightly. I inherit the page from the AEM's sightly page component, by specifying sling:resourceSuperType as wcm/foundation/components/page.I have created my own head.html and body.html files in the component folder.The page doe...
Hi,I am trying to sync the values of two nodes and both are datetime field. I am using ajax call to set value of another node onsubmit of dialog. Problem is id I save through datetime in dialog it saves with timezone information but if I save it through ajax the date converts into UTC(server is in U...
I am trying to install AEM Developer Tools for Eclipse:http://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/dev-tools/aem-eclipse.htmlI have capture the URL from here:http://eclipse.adobe.com/aem/dev-tools/However, when the install (from Eclipse is attempted), it failed. This was the error message:Unable to read repositor...
Hello,We wan't to use the "Annoation" tool in order to keep notes during Design reviewe.I was wondering if there is a way to make a "search" within these comments ?The "free text" research field don't give any answer as the metadata looks to be stored in AEM instead of the file.Is it possible to cus...
Hi I'm a new developer to the AEM platform and i'm currently trying to create a custom process step which processes a text file (contains some file names) which will be uploaded to the workflow and then it finds those file names in a different folder of the DAM and does a different process with it.N...
Hi,I have osgi client which invokes secure(https) rest-service through rest-template.When I am Testing the Client through main program I am able to invoke the rest-service Successfully.I have imported the certificates in cacerts under java_home/jre/lib/security to invoke the service successfully fro...