Hi I have a CQ project. I want it as a Maven project. I tried all the ways I could do, but it is giving me errors. Can anyone please guide me on how to convert a CQ project to Maven project through eclipse ThanksVeena
How can I set up which folders are loaded by the CRXDE(normal, not lite)? I want to load these folders /apps /etc /libs /contentbut the CRXDE loads only /apps /etc /libs
Hi, i am starteri want to install and schedule workflow purge.i followed http://helpx.adobe.com/cq/kb/howtopurgewf.html .i am confused were and how to start. please can any one provide the steps in details Thanks,Mahesh
Hello,I have managed to send an email via a workflow process step customized wherein the email is sent to his gmail account, but in addition to that would want a notification triggered to the user's inbox in AEM , but the moment he clicks on the link(link to a page) in his gmail account or his inbox...
In my component's JSP, if I want to reference the current page node using "currentNode" object, it throws a NullPointerException and the whole component then throws a ScriptEvaluationExceptionMy component JSP does have the 'global.jsp' included at the top.Also, the component throws these exceptions ...
I’m hope someone can help. We are developing a web site using Adobe Content Manager. We are using Translator to house our field labels, error messages, and contextual help… that sort of thing. Right now we are manually copying and pasting information from an Excel file to populate and update this in...
Hi Everyone,I hope someone can help.Im trying to import a servlet into CQ via maven and getting an error which I dont understand. My servlet is using HttpClient to call a third party api. When I import via maven I get the following error16.09.2013 12:36:08.210 *ERROR* [OsgiInstallerImpl] org.apache...
When I develop bundles using CRXDE I have lots of import problems such as:Import org.apache.sling.commons cannot be resolvedImport com.day.commons cannot be resolvedImport org.apache.sling.api cannot be resolvedDo you have any ideas how I can solve this?Note: please, take into account that I can suc...
The Project Console/Screen (http://<host>:<port>/projects.html) is relative new in CQ. Is there a way to control it so that different users or groups see different applicable features based on their privileges? For example, how to hide 'Assets' and partial list under 'Tools':[img]hide.jpeg[/img]Ther...
I am looking to store the information of a component dialog in a static position in the repository, I am trying to store the information in the principal page in the below way:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <jcr:root xmlns:cq="http://www.day.com/jcr/cq/1.0" xmlns:jcr="http://www.jcp.org/jcr/...