Hi,As per the project requirement, I need to externalize the Binary data store from CRX default repository and also I need to access that external Binary data repository from multiple Author Instances(AEM 6.0). We need to use TarMK as a database.I am able to externalize the Binary Data repository us...
hi, i have new installation of AEM6 with all the content and code updated. but our clients want to stay with old UI with the sidekick there and i found out that if i switch it via the new tool bar to the classic UI, the sidekick is nowhere can be seen and not every component can be edited.the url is...
Hi All,If you login to CQ on Auhtor you are logged in for 8 hours and if you login to publisher the default time for token is 3 hours and after inactivity of that time you are logged out. I want to increase the default times on both to 1 day. How can i achieve it?Thanks
Recently , i faced a issue , while uploading image in dam , 3 renditions are created automatically for image because of ootb dam upload asset workflow , but in case of uploading video in 3 different formats i checked no rendition was created and author then need to upload separately thumbnail if h...
I have not been able to get the "child-resources" injector to work within the @Source annotation.Documentation I am using: http://sling.apache.org/documentation/bundles/models.htmlI have tried to use the @Inject with a List<Resources> object. Does anyone have an example of this injector working? The...
Hi,Where can I get the list of all functions that CQ5 supports in SQL2 queries? In particular, is UPPER (to convert a string to upper case) supporter?If not, how can a case insensitive equality condition be written?Thanks.
Now i face a hard problem with i define a OSGI bundle involve out WebService, but can't be actively as following :[img]1.jpg[/img]And for fix it i do that follow this article use CFX instead of AXIS http://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/creating-cxf-bundles-consume-web.htmlbut fail to run ...
I have panel in my dialog, & a afterrender listener on panel. I am not able to get the dialog.path in this listener. Below is my code.function(){ var count; var select2opts = []; var dialog = this.findParentByType('dialog'); var dropdown = this.getComponent("dropdown1"); console.lo...
Hi,How to force a page reload when switching between Edit, Design, and Preview Mode aem 6?From the classic ui the solution is force a page refresh automatically, but in the new version don't exist anymore the Sidekick Thank's in advanced Josi
Workflows, Search, Taxonomy, Content Analytics and access management are features that can be found as well in web content management systems as in traditional knowledge management solutions. As such I am wondering whether any AEM customers have used AEM for knowledge management and have integrated ...