Hi All, we are customizing special character by misctoolplugin.js. There is an issue regarding this. Whenever we are saving an special charter then in source edit its not getting saved as HTML code, rather as the special character. like @ is saving as @ not its HTML code. the behavior is normal only...
I am currently working on implementing an asset manager using Adobe AEM 5.6.1 DAM and want to use the Asset Share and Asset Editor templates on publisher. Our client however needs these pages to be secure and restrict access to users who authenticate through a SAML-based SSO product. The SAM authent...
Hi,I am trying to connect CQ5 with MySql.I followed the below link to Injecting a DataSourcePool into Adobe Experience Manager Sling Servletshttp://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/custom-sling-servlets1.htmlI have specified the below details in /system/console/configMgr ----> JDBC Connect...
I'm following this tutorial https://dev.day.com/docs/en/crx/connectors/documentum/current.html#Requirements to establish connection between CRX 2.2( CQ5.4) and Documentum 6.6I've downloaded crx2documentum- connector but I'm not sure whether this connector supports CRX 2.2 and Documentu...
I need to create a custom predicate to check if expiry date is less than (current date - <no of days>) .Please suggest on the same.Any links for reference will also do. Thanks,
Has anybody figure out how to use the Luhn's Algorithm for the Form Component? If you add a form element, like TextField, you can select a validation as part of the Constraint tab. In that tab, there is an option for Luhn's algorithm to validate credit cards and some government IDs. However, wheneve...
Hi,Can we have an internal messaging queue in CQ similar to JMS and if yes is it possible for an external system to poll that queue?Regards,Shallu Rohilla
Hi Guys ,There are some Js files in libs , such as the preferences.js (/libs/cq/security/widgets/source/widgets/security/Preferences.js).I copied the same file to my apps folder and when i instantiate some variables (My_Prop = "new prop") , it can be accessed from anywhere (any other JS file).I dont...
Hello allI am trying to setup IIS 7.0 dispatcher module for CQ5 following the setup: http://dev.day.com/docs/en/cq/current/deploying/dispatcher/disp_install.html.I am trying on windows 2008 sp2 64bit and a local publishing istance on port 4203.The dispatcher works as long as cache is disabled, once ...
Hi,My requirement is whenever i create a new page CQ has to add the new property.so i prefered Even handlers and followed the below code.The problem is i dont know weather the code is running?i have checked the console i didn't get any log as well.could anyone please help me and explain how event ha...