Hi,I have a item search page, and I have about 50.000 items in the repository. I have some items that should not be retrieved in the search but should be visible only in some item details as related items. I'd like suggestions on how to do that. I thought on the following possibilities:Add an attrib...
According to the documentation on annotations (https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/aem/6-0/author/page-authoring/annotations.html#Annotation%20Sketches) Authors should be able to delete sketches attached to annotations. "To delete an individual sketch - select the required sketch, then press the Delete k...
I have overidden the teaser template and respective component from /libs/cq/personalization/components/teaserpage to my /apps/<appname>/cq/personalization/components/teaserpage. Then i created the page using this template under campaigns. though my offer page is resolving the segments based on clie...
We are running on CQ 5.6.1 and CRX CRX 2.4.64 right now. The space secured currently is 33GB. We wanted to free up some space; but when we run runDataStoreGarbageCollection(java.lang.Boolean delete) and startTarOptimization() ; we get the message 'null'. Also; the disk space taken by crx-quicksart ...
We need to only allow tags from specific namespaces to be selected from the popup dialog or the dropdown for our custom tag metadata fields. Is there a way to do this OOTB?You can do specify which tags to display by namespace when adding tag fields to customize the DAM search by adding a Options Pa...
hi,I have created a custom implementation for the content builder and a transport handler. i have uploaded the OSGi service in web console. I have created a custom agent page component and template, however i do not know how i would it under serializtion type.Any help would be appreciatedThanks in ...
Hello All,I've done the compaction on aem 6 according manual from http://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/aem/6-0/deploy/upgrade/microkernels-in-aem-6-0.html.I've used oak-run-1.0.13.jar. Please find steps below:1.Shut down AEM.2. java -jar oak-run.jar checkpoints install-folder/crx-quickstart/repository/seg...
Objective: The response of a webservice is an excel (a separate call for pdf) file. I need to show this file as a link on the aem-page, and whne users click the link, the browser opens (or downloads) the file. Use case: On the customer page, there is a section with links to Order History (Excel file...
Hi All,I am trying to create a component in AEM Touch UI with dyanmic dialog. I want to add listeners in the dialog. I am not able to listen the event and make changes in the dialog according to listener. Can anyone please help or give a sample example on how to create a dynamic Touch UI dialog in ...
Hi, I am new to QA. I am looking at using toughday to automate the Authoring tests. Please advice if this is the best course or if there is an alternative?. I see that toughday is used more for performance /load testing rather than Functional tests.