I have a component called widget-containerAnother component called accordion-item (screenshot below)[img]widgets.PNG[/img]widget-container contains a parsys tag (in widget-container.jsp)accordion-item just contains simple markup for nowMy goal/conditions are as follows:I will define where widget-con...
Hi,I'm working on CQ5.4 with the below examplehttp://helpx.adobe.com/adobe-cq/using/querying-experience-manager-data-using.htmlHere i'm able to build the bundle successfully but when i upload the bundle in CQ it gives the below error also PFA imageorg.apache.jackrabbit.commons,version=[2.4,3) -- Can...
Hi,with our recent upgrade to 5.6.1 we noticed that such things like CQURLInfo were not working. I did some investigation and noticed that the html lib manager did not have the flagForce CQURLInfo ticked.Once I ticked it and saved the configuration everything seemed to work. Is this check box suppos...
I have a MAIN MultiField which has a fieldConfig xtype as mywidgetjsname.In mywidget.js, I have built a CustomMultiFied which extends CQ.form.CompositeField.In this, I have a hiddenField, a textField and a MultiField(so this is a multiField inside the MAIN multifield).I have seen many examples over ...
Hi,I have a component that can be dragged and dropped onto a parsys in a page. The component dialog has a dropdown that gets the options from a servlet. In the servlet, I want to access the currentPage path. i.e the page where the component was added.I have tried to access it in the servlet usin...
Hi,i have a problem, please help me.ii am extending OOTB blog component. but in place of ootb comment i want to keep comment in my prject ant want to refer the same from my local. i tried everything but still my app blog refers ootb component , how to achieve this.plz guide me how to achieve this a...
Hi All, I have a requirement to clear dispatcher cache on auto deploy. Can some one share code which will clear dispatcher cache using curl script. ThanksLM
com.day.cq.rewriter.pipeline.RequestRewriter or org.apache.sling.rewriter.Transformer helps to rewrite any html tag's attribute value that i am able to do it.But I am trying to do rewrite plain text like {string.token) with any value.for example :Here is content in CRX when it would be rendered , {s...
I have recently started working with CQ5.6.1 - hot fix 1.I have been creating a slideshow component for a customer:- The slides for the customers slideshow must is composed of images.- The source for the slideshow is a pdf. We have set up a 2 process step workflow - The workflow is used on a pdf in ...
This post is an extension of Bernard's post here:http://help-forums.adobe.com/content/adobeforums/en/experience-manager-forum/adobe-experience-manager.topic.html/forum__zngv-hello_id_liketo.htmlHe marked his post 'solved', when in fact his VLT question wasn't solved - he just found a workaround with...