Does anybody know of collections feature in 5.6.1 DAM Interface.CQ5-21531 New Collections feature I am trying to find but not able to make any progress. If anybody has documentation, appreciate if you could send it to me.
I'm trying to search for assets as documented on: AssetsThis syntax does not seem to work for me, I never get results when trying a property search like "location:somelocation" or "title:thetitle". A non-property search...
By adding the clientcontext as required by analytics integration, I get 404's for twitterprofiledata, fbprofiledata, fbinterestsdata in the path /etc/clientcontext/default/contextstores/ even though I am not doing any FB or Twitter integration?<body><cq:include path="clientcontext" resourceType="cq/...
Hi,I'm trying to login to geometrixx-outdoors via Twitter. Whenever I clicked on "Login via Twitter" button from geometrixx-outdoors home page's sign in component, I'm getting popup window with some errors. I'm using out of the box Twitter configuration only. For facebook I didn't get any errors. I'...
Hi All,I have a multi field which contains a number of fields out of which one is a datetime field which is declared as belowthis.dateField = new CQ.Ext.form.DateField({ width: 300, allowBlank: false, hideTime:true, listeners: { ...
Hi masters!Anybody has tried to integrate Google Analytics with ‘Generic Analytics Snippet’, in the Cloud Services Configurations Tool [1]? It seems very easy, but I’ve done exactly the steps in [2] and it doesn’t work for me.I’ve followed the breadcrumb till the /libs/cq/cloudserviceconfigs/compone...
Experts,I have to implement authentication mechanism same as how author instance works. For example, if any user request for any page http://localhost:4503/content/geometrixx/en.html then system should open the page http://localhost:4503/content/geometrixx/en/toolbar/account/login.html and only afte...
Hi,Looks like the solution presented in does not work in Touch UI out of the box.Is there a way to make it work with Touch UI too?Thanks.