I am using OOTB comment component and I want to store the total count of comments in the node property how can I do that?? Since handlebar is used in comment component I don't know how can I do this??I would appreciate if someone can help me quickly
Currently if I understand right, if there are two publishers, updating user node in one does not "automatically" update user node in the other publisher or for that matter any node doesn't replicate automatically.Is there a way to do this or configure this automatically instead of manually adding co...
Hi All,In our Publisher instance, we are not able to open siteadmin page and getting blank page. In some other publisher instance, we can able to open siteadmin page and working fine. Is siteadmin is blocked in publisher instance ? If yes ,then please get me know how this console is working in other...
Hi,I have achieved for RTE in Touch UI in Text Component by placing cq:editConfig-cq:inplaceEditing under the text component like .text/cq:editConfig/cq:inplaceEditing/config/rtePlugins -----------This is how we achieve for touch UI.For classic, I have created the rteplugins and I can re-use like c...
Hi,AEM Assets has a feature that detects duplicated assets[1].By enabling this feature do we have a huge impact in the performance when adding new assets?[1]https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/aem/6-1/author/assets/managing-assets-touch-ui/duplicate-detection.htmlThanks
Hi, We have integrated AEM v6.0 with Adobe Analytics for metrics tracking.We have a requirement to capture the various visitor sources like web, email etc.We where able to capture Referring url when the request is coming from web page( navigating from a different page to our page).But we where not ...
Hi all,We have to install and start bundles and packages using shell script.cURL script used for installing Packages : curl -u admin:${ADMIN_PASSWORD} -F file=@"${AEM_DEPLOY_DIR}/${PACKAGE_ZIP}.zip" -F name="${AEM_DEPLOY_DIR}/${PACKAGE_ZIP}" -F force=true -F install=true http://${SERVER_NAME}:${S...
Hi all,We have to install and start bundles and packages using shell script.cURL script used for installing Packages : curl -u admin:${ADMIN_PASSWORD} -F file=@"${AEM_DEPLOY_DIR}/${PACKAGE_ZIP}.zip" -F name="${AEM_DEPLOY_DIR}/${PACKAGE_ZIP}" -F force=true -F install=true http://${SERVER_NAME}:${S...