Hi,I have one requirement where I need to run the scheduler on production through cron expression on publish but the problem is I have 4 Publish instances on 4 different servers. So If suppose publisher(P1) start the scheduler then at the same time other 3 will also start which creates the issue.I c...
Hi all,I have an AEM web page, with 4 different sections.The authors for these individual sections are different.How does the admin offer access to different users (authors) on different sections?As far I know, it is done at a page level and not below it (within the page.)Appreciate your responses.T...
Hi all,Let us say there is an AEM web site that has 10 pages and all of the pages share the same header with a Logo and other links like “contact us” and footer.I have two questions in this regard:How do we implement it, so that the Header and Footer (once created) come by default to all pages of th...
I just installed a basic AEM 6.1 Author instance. It's seems that author page does not work using the Touch UI. Everything works well with the Classic UI.That's is what it appears just trying to authoring every demo page, like that http://localhost:4502/editor.html/content/geometrixx/en/products.htm...
Hi,I am trying to create an upstart script for AEM server start/stop. It spawns 11 java processes when I run it (sudo start aemservice). Any pointers to what I might be doing wrong.Here is the scriptstart on runlevel[2345]stop on runlevel[016]respawnenv SERVER_HOME=/app/server/aem61env JAVA_HOME=/ho...
Hello,What would be the advantages of using SiteCatalyst by integrating it with AEM as described in link below vis-a-vis the traditional way of using SiteCatalyst where the main sitecatalyst javascript file reference is included in one of the base templates and SC variables are set in html / jsp fil...
I am currently using xpath search for several reasons. However I didn't find TotalMatch Count on QueryResult class like SearchResult object using QueryBuilder. QueryManager qm=session.getWorkspace().getQueryManager(); Query query = qm.createQuery(xpathQuery.toString(), Query.XP...
Problem accessing /system/console/components. Reason:HTTP ERROR: 500Problem accessing /system/console/components. Reason:java.lang.NullPointerExceptionWhat is the solution for this?Here is the Log:01.12.2015 17:48:15.383 *WARN* [qtp840622963-56] org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler /system/conso...
Hi Team,What is the best way to get the ResourceResolver and Resource in AEM6.1? I followed this http://www.accunitysoft.com/resourceresolver-object-in-aem6-16-0-sling-services/ but I'm getting resource as null. I used "admin" instead of "testUser" user.Thanks,AryA.
We are using the foundation jar file for building components and the version available is 5.6.4.https://repo.adobe.com/nexus/content/groups/public/com/day/cq/wcm/cq-wcm-foundation/5.6.4/cq-wcm-foundation-5.6.4.pomThe issue today is the dependencies like commons-httpclient still has older version 3.1...