When uploading .docx files to AEM, some of the files thumbnail, while other do not. Is there a reason for this, or a specific setting that is messing things up?Thanks
I have implemented an custom DAM Handler to create video image renditions at different parts of the video using FFMpegWrapper. I need to rename the rendition with the time interval from the still. When I try to move the rendition an exception occurs saying the rendition node does not exist. Here ...
Hi all,We have a requirement where we need to create a custom component group via a Java service. This service will be responsible of reading a list of components and adding those in the custom Group.The purpose is to display only the configured components in the sidekick irrespective of the templat...
I am trying to set the defaultValue in a Touch UI select dropdown. Setting "defaultValue" in dialog.xml works in Classic mode, but not in Touch. Here is the relevant snippet from my component's .content.xml <alignment jcr:primaryType="cq:Widget" sling:resourceType="granite/ui/components/foundation/f...
Hi,There are two methods to get the session:session= this.repository.loginAdministrative(null); session = resourceResolver.adaptTo(Session.class);With the first approach i need an explicit session.logout() and with the second the logout is managed automatically by sling, right? Thanks
Hi All,The clientlibs js are not loaded, when we access the page. so i have added at the end of the url debugClientLibs=true. its working but if i remove its not working in dev and publisher. i dont think it will work in dispatcher. could you please help me out to fix this issue.Thanks,Michael
Hi All,I am trying to put the source as follows in rtePlugin <span style="font-size:18px; font-weight:bold;"> testing </span> but it is getting converted to simple span tag without style attribute as follows. Is there anyway i can retail style attribute as it is? <b> testing </b> Thanks,Kinjal
1.We had created a new system user with the following node structure:/home/users/system/iea/ieaadminThis was used to get s session object and used further.All this was done on AEM 6.1 with Java 1.82. Now we wanted to test out our code on AEM 6.0 Service Pack 1 with Java 1.8.The first issue we faced ...
When I create user and groups in 6.1,node is getting created with some junk value(may be encrypted) as it's name instead user or group id .Please check the attachments and correct me if I am doing something wrong.[IMG]http://i67.tinypic.com/xgek2s.png[/IMG]
Hi All,We have a requirement where we have selected list of components which we need to display in side kick. Since AEM provides OOTB design functionality but our requirement is to read a configuration where list of components has been defined and based on that create a new component group and displ...