I have the below requirement could someone provide inputs as what could be done1. I want to rewrite the "localhost:4502/tools.html" to "http://localhost:4502/apps/cq/core/content/tools.html"If I check in "http://localhost:4502/system/console/jcrresolver" for /tools/html , I can see the rewrite url...
Hi, I installed AEM 6.1 instance in my desktop.I am migrating my changes from AEM 6.0 to AEM 6.1.After migrating on wards, facing an issue as attached during startup. Please guide me how to resolve this I have added the POM dependency as below.It also affects the custom components behavior. ...
Hello All,I need to write a component that does **file upload (restrict the upload file types to PDF only).**I have seen CQ has its own dialogs to upload files, but I am not sure, whether I could resuse them.Please let me know, if I could use out of the box xtypes "smartfile","fileuploadfield", "htm...
In AEM 6.0 using OAK, is it possible when writing a XPATH query to force what index is being used rather that letting the system determine which it thinks is the fastest evaluated index.
Hi Friends,Could you please let me know where are the DAM assets saved in the file system ? For example: I checkin an image say apple_pie.jpeg in DAM(localhost), where is that image file saved in my file system ?Thanks
Hi,We have upgraded from from version 5.6.1 to 6.1, and the fulltext search on website which used to take around 10-15 secs to complete, now has started taking around 50 minutes to complete. I have re-indexed all the oak:indexes , created a new lucene index with just the binaries and title and descr...
Requirement: I want add one custom feature for an asset. Example one i selected an asset in touch ui i can see View Properties, Move,Copy, Add to Collection options. Similarly i have to add one more custom option for an asset (Subscribe). Please let me know what are the things i have to do for this....
Hi FriendsPlease refer to the below URL and let me know how to navigate to Feed Importer in AEM6.1https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/aem/6-1/administer/operations/tools-consoles.htmlRegardsPr@veen
Why does a AEM 6.1 MSRP needs SOLR along with MongoDB ? Is SOLR a default search provider for MSRP based communities? Is it mandatory to configure SOLR or Can OOTB OAK-Lucerne used for search? How the MSRP can work along other search providers ?
HI All,I am facing an issue to integrate AEM 6.1 with OKTA SSO. I provide following configuration in OKTA end. 1) SP URL, 2) NameIDFormat - "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient" rest of the configurations are default.In AEM end I provide following information, 1) IDP URL (OKTA URL), ...