Hi,I need to override the DAM Update Asset workflow and customize the thumbnail renditions created.Currently the OOTB feature is for any type of image format the renditions created are of .png format.How to create the thumbnail renditions in other format like jpeg. Example : if I upload .png , .jpg ...
Hi,I am customizing the OOTB DAM update workflow. When I upload the asset and the payload path received in the inbox notification is "/content/dam/mcd/MCD10007_DailyDouble.eps-S.jpg/jcr:content/renditions/original".But I need to customize the path like "/damadmin#/content/dam/mcd/MCD10007_DailyDoubl...
I have a component that includes quite a bit of CSS and JavaScript only used for this specific component. Therefore I only want to include the CSS and JavaScript on pages where the component is used. How can I accomplish this?I had hoped that this was somehow possible with the clientlib functionalit...
I'm trying to create a client for Adobe Experience Manager. To begin with I'm following the Adobe Article: https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/java-swing-applications.html.Followed the instructions, and my pom for this application looks like :<dependencies><dependency><groupId>org.apach...
Hi All, Can any one help me please how to mock for junit test case below factory class. private ResourceResolverFactory resourceResolverFactory; Thanks, Venkatesham G
Hi,Here the use case from Geometerixx media from 5.6.1.When an admin logs in, he should be able to see complete site structure. ( See screenshot Pages on Admin Access )When an XYZ logs in, he should see the site structure from one of the child page ( See screenshot Page on XYZ User Access )If anyone...
Hi All,I created one custom workflow for the schedule activation functionality. But i have to show the schedule time just like activation later instead of workflow icon in the siteadmin and i can able to run other workflows on the page. How to execute the workflow in the backend just like how it i...
Hello,I am trying to use Explain Query tool from ACS AEM Tools on AEM 6 + SP3 but I have an exception when I try to browse /etc/acs-tools/explain-query.htmlrg.apache.sling.api.scripting.ScriptEvaluationException: org.apache.sling.scripting.jsp.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP:...
I have a development sandbox for a client where they have added a lot of images and projects then deleted them. There is some process that keeps running an inefficient query against assets that are no longer in the dam. The warning about the query is:17.11.2015 09:30:10.133 *WARN* [pool-6-thread-2] ...