Hi All,We are able to retrieve properties present at the page level[directly under jcr:content of page] via Query Builder API.However, we have a requirement wherein we need to search for specific properties [along with properties under jcr:content] present under various components[those components m...
Hi,A requirement of our potential project says "CMS should allow Editing from Microsoft Word".I am trying to first understand this requirement (we are yet to clarify this from client) and then examine whether AEM has this feature.Is the requirement that we should be able to import Word documents in ...
Hi All,I'm trying to create backup from Felix console (http://localhost:4502/system/console/jmx/com.adobe.granite%3Atype%3DRepository)I'm using startBackup(java.lang.String target) operation to create backup and passing target path. It works fine when I use my local drive path as target. But it's no...
HI ,In my Project in Author instance we have three replication Agents . When we Activate any Page/Pages from **Site-Admin/Using Tree Activation** Page/Pages getting Activated with All the three replication Agents. But our requirement is when we Active , Page Should not be sent to All the replicatio...
HI All,Details as below :In case , we are searching for certain properties at the page jcr:content level or at the page component level, based on the keywords provided on the search page. Along with it, we would want to provide some boosting at field/property level.In this scenario :a] Is it somethi...
I have to activate 1000 pages from author to 7 publish servers daily .I want to schedule this process.How do we programmatically activate these pages in batches ?
Hello,I created a lucene-suggest index as detailed below and not seeing any suggestions. For example , no results for this query : /jcr:root[rep:suggest('shop')]/(rep:suggest()). Can you please let me know if there is any other configurations or indexes to be configured.Manually triggered the lucene...
Hi ,I need a way to change the ReplicationAction.fromEvent(event).getType() to say which is unique say solr.Please let me know how to do it??In siteadmin have added a extra menu item :-say activateSolr under Acitivate menu by adding /apps/wcm/core/content/siteadmin/actions/activate/menu/SolrActivat...