Hi Experts, I am trying to create a sightly page and it comes up well when using the url http://localhost:4502/cf#/content/search-home.html but the page is empty when i try to open it in touch uithat is by using http://localhost:4502/editor.html/content/search-home.html I could see some stack...
Hi All,I'm trying to develop a Image multifield Touch UI component with sightly in AEM 6.2, I referred below article :http://experience-aem.blogspot.in/2015/12/aem-61-touchui-slide-show-component-using-sightl y-image-multifield.htmlUsing article i created component successfully but in touch ui dialo...
How to limit the number of components a user can drop onto a single parsys ?AEM Version : 6.2Have followed the steps given in the below linkhttp://experience-aem.blogspot.in/2016/01/aem-61-classic-ui-limit-components-added-in-parsys.htmlIf the limit exceeds, "New" button is not getting disabled. Is...
Hi, I've got a use case where I need to store and serve static html, js, css, images, flash videos, and etc from the JCR. The only suggestions I could find on how to do this come from this article. http://blogs.adobe.com/dekesmith/2012/05/22/place-simple-html-and-image-files-online-with-crx-and-cq/I...
Hi All,I need to add the following meta tag to all the pages on my site<meta name="apple-itunes-app" content="app-id=myAppStoreID"/>Also It should be possible toturn on and of that meta tag change the app-id when needed (without crx/de)Thanks in advance,Yura.
Hi,I want to use reviews component but my site users are not stored in AEM, instead they are stored in janrain. is it possible to use reviews component in this scenario?Thanks
I was running AEM 6.1 with oak-auth-external 1.2.14, but after a hotfix (cq-6.1.0-hotfix-10832-1.0.zip) was installed with version 1.2.16 my bundle is unable to start.This dependency appears as unsolved:org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.spi.security.authentication.external,version=[1.0,2) -- Cannot be resol...
Hello all,The scenario is that a major announcement will be posted on an AEM website soon. Authors need to be able to edit and roll out specific pages on Author, but should not activate them until a specific date/time. There is concern that authors may accidentally activate those pages.How do other ...
HiI know business logic in JSPs is bad, but I need to come up with a solution quickly with how the codebase was setup. Anyways, I wanted to execute code only on a certain template so I'm using currentPage.getTemplate().getTitle().equals("SomeTemplate") I could provide code context but I think its mo...
Hi - We are exploring on Documentum Connector for CRX but currently don't find the details about how to use this connector on AEM6.X (configured with CRX3/OAK) version. Need details on how to get, install and configure this connector on AEM6.1/2 versions.Can I use CRX2.X Documentum connector for CRX...