What all things we can monitor in CQ/AEM instance like performance,log files,replication of packages,bundle status etc. Can you please help me to find few more important things which is must to monitor in production environment?
Hi,I'm exploring the "permission sensitive caching" of pages in AEM. I've followed the official documentation about how can we create a servlet to check user permissions and allow them to access cached pages.But, what I didn't understand it how it'd be applied in the scenario?Cos' so far whatever I'...
Hi All,We are converting all our components in classic UI to touch UI.While we converting RTEs ,we have identified links plugin is not working in RTE configured in dailog.Is any one faced the same issue and if anyone know any solution,please share the same.Thanks,Kishore
Hi All,we tried to migrate from AEM 6.0 to AEM 6,3. Successfully in place upgrade done. But After upgrade, we are having issue like, not able to import class from one module to another module class. That imported class is bean class. The class is that we are importing is service class. Build is suc...
Hello there - we're looking for some guidance/directions on how to improve the AEM Console login standards specifically in the area of limiting the number of login attempts and the ability to lock an account if the number of attempts have been exceeded. We have implementation that uses SSO using LDA...
In our AEM 5.6 site, we are capturing user responses from forums. Sometimes we are not able to see the proper responses on publish and complete page remains blank. The issue is intermittent. By examine the node structure, there was no difference in nodes which was working and which was not. we re-in...
Hi Guys,Does anyone know why there has very huge data under /home/users/.../webtranslate?What is user effected if I delete this data?/home/users/.../webtranslate/done/home/users/.../webtranslate/export/home/users/.../webtranslate/importSee attachment.Thanks.
Dear all,I want to integrate Baidu captcha in site login functionality in AEM-6.1. There should be only Chinese letters in generated captcha.Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks
Hello,In Eclipse, I'm able to create a Server that connects to the HTTP port that my AEM instance is running on (4502), but selecting the HTTPS port (4504) gives me this error message: "No repository found at http://localhost:4504". As you can see in the error message, it's trying to connect over H...
Hi,I have a requirement to design an UI component. I am thinking to use the jQuery, BootStrapper and font-awesome libaries in this project.May I know whether adobe CQ5.61 is compatible with these latest libraries? If yes, are there any tricks/techiniques/tips to use these javascript and css libariei...