Hi Team,I have two fields like AWB number and Reference number as input text nowhow i need to pass the entered value in text to sling servlet.I know if i use ajax i can give the path defined in slingServlet as URL$.ajax({ type: 'POST', url:'/bin/htlSearchServlet', dat...
Hi All,We have migrated 6.2 to 6.4. As we all know Tag folder structure in 6.2 is etc/tags where else in 6.4 it should store in content/cq:tags. When i try to create tags in 6.4, it is not falling under content folder. Instead it is still falling under etc/tags. Thanks in advance. kindly let us know...
Hi thereShould be an easy answer - if you want to use a custom thumbnail on an assets folder (Open the folder properties) - what are the ideal dimensions / size so that it will maintain aspect ratioThis is the feature I am looking at:
Hi,we are using AEM 6.4 RTE plugin for paragraph in touch ui. How do i restrict author to enter only 2 lines of paragraph? RTE should not accept paragraph more than two lines.
Hi allAt AEM, We are having the following dialog of the component, where in the maxlength is not working for textarea,- does it work for a field within multifield ?- What could be the issue ?<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><jcr:root xmlns:sling="http://sling.apache.org/jcr/sling/1.0" x...
Hi,I am implementing a component which can validate email address.For using MX record to validate email, I need to use jndi as below:int doLookup( String hostName ) throws NamingException { Hashtable env = new Hashtable(); env.put("java.naming.factory.initial", "com.sun.jndi.d...
Currently I have system running on AEM 6.3 and planning to upgrade to AEM 6.4. I was going through the upgrade documents and have couple of questions:1. In AEM 6.4, all configurations(including Cloud services and context) are moved to /conf folder. Do we need to manually move these configurations to...
I have a master copy and we created live copy versions based out it. If I change the page name in my master (changing page name by Move feature) how does the change gets cascaded down to live copy versions? Doesn't seem to work right now. On AEM 6.4.
Hi All.I'm trying to deploy an aem 6.0 .war instance on to Jboss EAS 7.x via Administration bord.When I'm trying to invoke aem app using url : localhost:<port>\aem60 I'm receiving the following message : Apache Sling is currently starting up, please try again.Here below a stack trace from Jboss cons...
Hi All,I'd like to know iif is possibile to install and configure aem 6.x dispatcher on Jboss EAP server.Any suggestion and/or documentation should be very appreciated.Thanks All.BR,Antonio