While upgrading to 6.4, we ran Pattern Detector tool and got below lines for ECU category. There are many other similar issues. Any idea how to fix these?Cross-boundary resource type usage of internal marked path /libs/cq/gui/components/projects/admin/projectteam referenced at /apps/cq/core/content/...
Hello People,Wanted to know if there is any implementation of Lazy loading specifically for images in AEM with no libraries. Any leads would be appreciated. Thanks,Sesha Sai
Hi guys, I have been reading about how to implement search in a Adobe AEM site.I have implemented it outside of AEM multiple times before, with Solr/Lucene, and I always had to go with the boring process of having to build code that inserts, updates and deletes content from the Solr/Lucene.My questi...
I'm currently on 6.2 but am moving over to 6.4 and trying to re-use my templates that I've created as part of my project (under /apps/project/templates).The challenge I'm having is that all of the parsys and layout containers don't have any default component groups defined.Previously, they were defi...
hi,i am trying to understand how to implement AMP code in AEM.i have predeveloped sites.and i don't want to create separate components for AEM.so how will i modify existing components and templates.what is the relation between content fragment and AMP pages?if anyone can give me example or video to ...
In the path /etc/workflow/notification/email we have a template like subject=Workflow notification: ${event.EventType}header=-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n \Time: ${event.TimeStamp}\n \Step: ${item.node.title}\n \User: ${participant.name} (${p...
Hi All,I'm using Service User Mapper configuration as well as using the corresponding code for the same.Also, provided the full permission to my system user.Still i'm getting Access Denied.javax.jcr.AccessDeniedException: OakAccess0000: Access deniedat org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.api.CommitFailedExcep...
Hi!I',m importing an image to my custom component via "file", can I get it's resolution? for example:${properties.image.getWidth()} something like that?htl way would be good.Image is referenced at DAM
Hi,i have an issue related with configure Test and Target replication agent and i don't know how i can solve id.and whe i see the logs:2019-01-25 21:28:22 - ERROR - test_and_target : Error replicating /content/campaigns/royal-caribbean/master/test-rha-preprod-scheduling-2/test-- web team a1 - com.da...
Hi Guys,I'm with the problem on the dialog in this component. It is showing the message "No available styles"I found a similar ticket on the forum ("No available styles" in TouchUI Dialog ) but didn't resolve.Follow the XML structures:Component:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><jcr:root xmlns:s...