I have a resource stored under in '/libs/settings/wcm/designs/default/jcr:content/main/content/links'.I need to read the properties(or say values) of that resource using Sling Model?
Hi Team,As per below documentation -https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/6-3/sites/administering/using/configure-assets-cc-integration.htmlWe need to add tenant url in Adobe Marketing cloud config.What is tenant url here?And how to get this tenant url?
Based on HTL documentation HTL Block Statements itemList: Object holding the following properties:index: zero-based counter ( 0..length-1).count: one-based counter ( 1..length).first: true if the current item is the first item.middle: true if the current item is neither the first nor the last item.l...
Recently we have done AEM in place upgrade from AEM6.3 to AEM6.4. once the upgrade is completed with 6.3 custom code(built using the uber-jar.6.3) we observed that the 6.3 bundles are up and running in AEM6.4 without compiling and building with uner-jar6.4.is it is the right behavior 6.3 bundle stat...
Hi,I already check this link Magento .In this link describe how to connect magento with aem , but issue that not fully explained. Can anyone explain these steps in detailsAlso where find these:- Instal the AEM / Magento 2 Connector package.Install the Demo AEM content package.http://localhost:4502/s...
We have a need to change a number of user's IDs and keep their profiles, privileges, associated content references, etc.We would like to either update the existing rep:principalName or create a new ID and copy all the nodes and properties from the old ID.TeamSite used to have a manual process by cha...
I created a component for placing advertisements that is being shared in several containers on different pages of my site. The component has a cq dialog for the author to choose an ad image and insert a link that the image will direct to when clicked. I am now tasked with creating a field in that co...
Hello Everyone,I was checking if there is any way for us to extract the AEM Authors list? Basically I have to get the list of authors and their last logged in, depending upon the result have to be doing a house-keeping job.Thanks in advance. Arvind.