Hi Team,I have been working on the auth0 integration with the AEM application and have been stuck at some dependency integrations. While the default application works with the redirects and is fine, I am facing issue with the below error:java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: kotlin/jvm/internal/Intrinsics...
I have created a new project using maven archetype49. I am trying to check the template available, I do not see any layout container to add components in the template or pages. I am unable to edit anything.For further reference I tried to check we-retail templates those as well are empty and I do n...
Hi All, I am getting the below error when trying to migrate a workflow from AMS to Cloud - Process implementation not found14.08.2024 03:49:32.253 *ERROR* [JobHandler: /var/workflow/instances/server0/2024-08-14/csv-keycode-data-process-project_1:/content/dam/keycodeExcel.csv] com.adobe.granite.workf...
Hi All,I created a content approval workflow added participant step and user, when I logged in with assigned user I'm able to see only complete, StepBack, Delegate options for the workflow but not reject how to reject a workflow. If I want to users to approve the workflow only after two users approv...
Hello Team, I am exploring Diconium CIF Hybris integration.https://github.com/diconium/commerce-cif-graphql-integration-hybris cc: @mhaack @archana25 @MukeshYadav_ @AMANATH_ULLAH Could you please help me with kick start this project. I wanted to check the flow of this project in my local. Thanks...
We're trying to migrate our Smart Content Service for on-premise AEM 6.5.21 from using JWT credentials (deprecated) to OAuth Server-to-Server credentials. When we try to validate the new configuration, we get the following error message:
Hi Everyone,We noticed in our AEM environment that the number of archive workflows are over 2 million and then we have configured Adobe Granite Workflow Purge Configuration to purge Completed/Aborted/Failed workflows of a certain model but it does not seem to purge, we notice that there is a query t...
hey everyone,i need some help on below issue, can you suggestWe have dynamic-modules clientlib and it doesnt load on first hit in the browser, 2nd load onwards, it works fine and keeps working for few hoursdo you have some pointertried, webpack chunking, code exclusion, dumplibs, nothing is of helpp...