Hello folks, hope you are doing well. I'm trying to change the <i> and <b> to use the <em> and <strong> tags respectively on a text component that I have on my project. The resource super type of the component is set to resourceSuperType="core/wcm/components/text/v2/text"I have modified the dialog ...
Hi Team,it is continuation of https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-manager/annotations-when-editing-a-page-is-not-working-aem6-5/qaq-p/380045/comment-id/80655#M80655I am not able to add annotation.I got to know that there is some issue with AEM Annotations with cq-placeh...
Hey All, I want to be able to add some functionality to the Create Site Wizard. I am assuming there is a workflow that gets kicked off when you do a create site? I think that would be the best way to add functionality. Also, has anyone overlayed that and how successful were they?
I want to exclude certain properties from AEM full text search so that there are no matching results when page author's name is searched for example if I search for Amit - it is providing few pages as results as there are few pages authored by Amit. I don't want these search results I am using the d...
Hi, I have created project CIF Archetype Project, Once I build the project. I am able to see below bundles on Console - http://localhost:4502/system/console/bundles However, their status is Installed not Active, there were some dependencies issue, I fixed all except first Bundle screenshot given bel...
Hi Team, I am trying to Header, Footer and some cart information from an existing angular application(which talks to external system for backend services) with AEM 6.5. When i integrated i am getting 404 resource not found(http://localhost:4502/apis/ui/PiesCategoriesXXXX) in between the calls and t...
I am using react-spa and this issue is exclusively in the editor. I have a media tag for 4k displays with a min-height set. When I add enough components in the editor to add up to a height of > 2160px the tag is tripped as in the pic below. When I remove components the tag is not tripped. This is o...
deHi Team, I am not able to enable style system on custom component level . I did below steps still Style tab is not showing on click of policy on custom components under a template. I have added "cq:design_dialog" and entry is done is like below.
I tried to install AEM so now is on my desktop. When i try to open it its asking me for URL. Where can I find it, can you help me? It's for personal use, not for a company.