Hi, We are trying to merge 3-4 tags into a single tag. Lot of content and Assets are tagged with those tags. After merging into a new tag will references will be automatically updated, both in page properties and Asset metadata? Please suggest.
Hi,I'm trying to set up permission for a group to create Content Fragments. As part of this I want to remove permission for OOTB Content Fragment models.Is there any way to hide OOTB Simple Fragment when create new Content Fragment? Really appreciate any help on this.
Hi All, I am trying to integrate REST API with adaptive form using form data model. My REST api doesn't have any authentication but i get below error when i test the connection. {"errorCode": "AEM-FDM-001-016","errorMessage": "Error occurred while invoking the service.","originCode": "500","originMe...
Hi,If I create a tag with the name "pröva", AEM will create a cq:tag with:the jcr:name set to "prova" - i.e. the 'ö' is stripped out and replace with 'o'the jcr:title set to "pröva" - i.e. the 'ö' is not stripped outIIf I now tag an asset with this tag, the asset nodes metadata\cq:tags property refe...
Hi, If I create a tag with the name "pröva", AEM will create a cq:tag with:the jcr:name set to "prova" - i.e. the 'ö' is stripped out and replace with 'o'the jcr:title set to "pröva" - i.e. the 'ö' is not stripped outIf I now tag an asset with this tag, the asset nodes metadata\cq:tags property refe...
tried in many jar version? Someone help me <dependency><groupId>com.itextpdf</groupId><artifactId>itext7-core</artifactId><version>7.1.9</version><type>pom</type></dependency><!-- iText pdfHTML add-on --><dependency><groupId>com.itextpdf</groupId><artifactId>html2pdf</artifactId><version>3.0.0</ver...
Hello All,I have a problem where the overall page renders HTML elements as expected in the publisher when cq:noDecoration is set to "true" on a given component.However, when cq:noDecoration is set to "true", I cannot edit and make any changes my component; the dialogue does not show. When I set the ...
Hi All,I'm unable to edit the homepage carousel content, it's locked and not giving the option to configure it. Can someone please guide how to re-enable it?