Hi,I have a requirement where I need to find the content fragment in which an asset is being referenced, say an image.Is there an out of the box API available like ReferenceSearch which can give me the Content Fragment in which an image is being referenced? ReferenceSearch will provide me the page i...
We are getting the following errors in my client publisher logs - 07.11.2020 00:37:05.171 *ERROR* [ [1604709425166] GET /content/site/en/.transform/16x16/image.png HTTP/1.1] org.apache.sling.engine.impl.SlingMainServlet service: Uncaught Problem handling the request javax.imageio.IIOE...
Hello AllI am new to AEM world so excuse me for semantics. We are having page performance issue reported by LH specifically for mobile strategy. One of the reason we found that bundled clientLibs are having extra JS of components which are even not present on the page ie not authored. We have compon...
Hello, I was wondering if someone faced a similar issue I happened to notice this in the logs post which the export to Adobe Target as HTML offer fails com.adobe.cq.xf.impl.adobetarget.exporter.AbstractExperienceFragmentExporter The request to URL /content/experience-fragments/debug-experience-frag...
Hi Devs, we can able to reuse only the dialog fields using 'resourceType "granite/ui/components/foundation/include" ' method. But can we reuse the authored values of one component to other reused components, so we don't need to do authoring for all similar reused components multiple times. Is there...
Hi, This problem, I've been bugging me around a bit. Whenever I am adapt to ExperienceFragmentVariation, it returns me a NULL. Anyone have some insight on this?
Hello, we are trying to implement the screens with AEM, so we want to enable network traffic through firewall. will screens be continuously polling the content from AEM instance being an initiator and request and fetch the content? will AEM initiate any request to the screens player directly?so the ...
Due to security and cross domain concerns, the AEM component has to call third party API using server side request.So, client side "http get" to AEM sever, AEM server make request post to the third part API, once server side request successfully, it would pass the data back to client. Do we have any...
Hi folks, can we able to create Experience Fragements using a static template and add that Xf to a page created using static template in AEM 6.5? Thanks.