Hi I have configured the Audit Log Purging for the below auditsPage Audit Log PurgingDAM Audit Log PurgingReplication Audit Log PurgingI have referred this page for configuring it - https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-65/administering/operations/operations-audit-log.html?lang=...
Hi, Using AEM 6.5.4Upload a pdf in content dam and edit asset properties, we can see the metadata title and description is picked up from the pdf metadata. Manually change the asset properties metadata title and description and save. Now Uploading the same pdf again, we get a popup for duplicate ass...
The workflow "DAM Update Asset" is working by default. But if I add a new step "Create Web Enabled Image", I will get the the error message "Process resource is null". If I remove the step "Create Web Enabled Image" , I am still get the error and "DAM Update Asset" can' work anymore. Through testi...
Hello All,Need help for my adobe architect certification coming up soon.As with 6.5 the AEM old links are not working for exam prep. May I know if any one appeared recently ? Any helpful links will be much appreciated. Thanks for reading. Thanks,Tulasi.
I am getting this error after creating a new project in AEM 6.5 Below are the errors com.day.cq.wcm.api,version=[1.27,2) -- Cannot be resolved org.apache.sling.api.resource,version=[2.11,3) -- Cannot be resolved org.apache.sling.api.servlets,version=[2.2,3) -- Cannot be resolved org.apache.sling.mod...
Hi, I know that the lastpublished and lastpublishedby properties are not used any more so I was wondering how can I set a custom property that says if a asset is unpublished or published? Thank you for the help!
example:- config.author - com.myhost.my-config-here.xml- config.author.prod - com.myhost.my-config-here.xml My AEM instance has the following runmodes (via /system/console/status-slingsettings):Run Modes = [crx3tar-nofds, prod, s7connect, crx3, nosamplecontent, author] Which of my om.myhost.my-con...
Hi all,There is a newly installed AEM 6.5 instance. I want to move code from AEM 6.2 to 6.5. Do we need to create the package from scratch or can we just build the packages and install?
Hi all,I am planning to upgrade 6.2 to 6.5. Just want to estimate how much effort need in code merging. May I know is there any package/Pattern Detector to identify the deprecated api, code , function from 6.2 for 6.5. Thank you all.
I am using sling distribution agent package distributed but its not working for me.This is what I have.@Component(immediate = true, service = EventHandler.class, property = { "event.topics=org/apache/sling/distribution/agent/package/distributed", "event.filter=(|(distribution.type=ADD)(distr...