Hi,I am trying to create a system user on AEM Cloud, but the url where the system users are created is not available on Cloud. How can I create or at least export/import a system user on Cloud? Thanks!
Hi teams I just updated my AEM (localhost) but I am having some Touch UI issues. Some options does not appear.For example, my AEM does not show Create Review Task when I select a folder in Assets. I tried to clear cookies and Chrome browser cache and use incognito mode but he issue persists....
Hi,i have written some ecma script for participant step in workflow.But i am not able to get that script in Participan step below is scren shot Can any one guide me whether i have done in correct manner ecma script for let me know if any information is needed from my end
Hello Team, We are using AEM 6.4. We have custom code implemented to listen to Publish event when dam asset is published. Handler parses the contents of the assetand indexes to apache solr outside AEM. We are using tika parser (AutoDetectParser) which parses the document based on Asset's MIME Type. ...
Hi, Does anyone know/has implemented something that helps you to fetch the runmode in backend code. SlingSettingsService has been deprecated. WCMMode doesn't work in this case as we need to check it on a editable template(structure), where wcmmode is disabled. Thanks!
Hi All, I have a component with multifield, which has richtext and image fields, when i add the values, the image values are storing under the component node , not under the multifield node. Only first entry is adding to the node and remaining entries data from multifield is missing when submit the...
Hi All, We are facing this warning message multiple times in our 6.5.6 AEM environment. 11.01.2018 01:03:18.878 *INFO* [Apache Sling Resource Resolver Finalizer Thread] org.apache.sling.resourceresolver.impl.CommonResourceResolverFactoryImpl Unclosed ResourceResolver was created here From version 6...
Hi All,I am working on MSM and all the blueprint and live copies configuration are being setup. Below mentioned is a use case and i am facing an issue in step 3 and 4 Step 1:- Created a page with title "sample-test" under a page with tilte 'channel' in your source site. so location of the page is /c...
I have using Multifield as "granite/ui/components/foundation/form/multifield", it is working fine when dialog opens as a pop up. But when the size of the screen is reduced to tab or mobile, dialog is opening as mnt/override/apps/.... in the URL and multifield data is shown as blank. I tried upgradin...
We are currently using live copies on our site .Our requirement is to unpublish and delete the live copy references when the the master page is unpublished and delete . We noticed that in some cases , when master is delete the live references still stay on the sites page - What is the default behavi...