In order to create a cors entry, we created a file: /myapp.ui.config/src/main/content/jcr_root/apps/myapp/osgiconfig/ When we deploy the project to the local author instance using mvn clean install -PautoInstallSinglePackag...
Hi there, I have a Handler which listens for DELETE operation from JCR in specific locations, i want to prevent users from deleting those nodes under those locations.Any idea how i can achieve this.Thanks
Hi Team,We need your suggestions on possible scenario which leads to below situation. Issue : We are traying to access scene7 image using scene7 image URL. On AEM, image properties having asset name different then scene7File or scene7Name and because of that while accessing the scene7 image , we are...
Hi Team, Got a requirement where, we have a path /etc/storelocator in aem. Under this path, we have several child nodes and each node contains 2 properties latitude and longitude. Please see the scrrenshot below:Now, we need to find all those nodes which are nearby to a location within a provided ra...
Hi,Hope you are doing well!We are trying to migrate content from dev to cloud server. For this we are using Content Migration from AEM (please, find attached). But, every time we migrate content, the templates or any of updated on them are not migrated. Also when I ran this command mvn clean install...
Hi all,I am trying to upgrade 6.2 to 6.4. As a part of Common Repository Restructuring in 6.4, I have to move workflow models from '/etc/workflow/models' to '/libs/settings/workflow/models' or '/conf/global/settings/workflow/models' or '/var/workflow/models.'Below is the steps: Deploy the modifie...
Hi all, What is the best way to allow only authenticated users to access website pages?The identity provider is an external system where users are stored, and authentication can be done via its API. Any solution proposals that is not based on CUG(closed user group)?Or if CUG has to be used, how can ...
we recently moved from 6.2 to 6.5, we converted felix to osgi. There are several servlets that is showing 400 with following messageInvalid recursion selector value 'abc'Cannot serve request to /content/mysite/en-us/some/application/page/ in
Hey guys, I'm gettting a connection pool error trying to initiate an HTTP Post request: org.apache.http.conn.ConnectionPoolTimeoutException: Timeout waiting for connection from pool at org.apache.http.impl.conn.PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager.leaseConnection(PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager.ja...
Hi, We've integrate Search and Promote within our site, on publisher following the configurations detailed on As we are behind a internet outbound proxy...