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Sign In on Web Viewer


Level 3

I've got entitlement running on the my apps in the Windows, iOS, and Android stores just fine but for some reason the sign-in doesn't work on the web viewer. Any ideas why? I can send dummy account info if you need.

6 Replies



Hi Zac,

Entitlement is supported on all platforms, so as long as your authentication works correct on Windows,iOS and Android, it should work just as fine on Web viewer.

- What error are you receiving ? Are you trying to access the web viewer using a proxy connection ?

- Do do have the same results across different browsers ?





Also, make sure that you have updated your Desktop Web Viewer app instance in the portal since you enabled entitlement.


Level 3

This is the message I get on the Web Viewer:

Screenshot 2016-08-30 12.52.40.png

I also rechecked iOS, Android and Windows. iOS and Android worked fine, but now Windows isn't working (to be honest, I'm questioning whether I ever checked before now). Here is the message I get on the Windows App:

Screenshot 2016-08-30 12.55.41.png

I've checked the Web Viewer in Safari and Chrome.


Level 3

Any ideas what might be going on with this? I still can't login to Windows or the Web Viewer but it works fine in iOS and Android.



Is it possibly related to the network settings on your Mac? I see you are using VMWare Fusion on a Mac. Is that the same Mac that you are loading up the web viewer on in Safari? This is my best guess so far, as I haven't seen this with other customers.


Level 3

Yes it's the same. I actually haven't tried it on a computer outside of my work network. I'll give that a shot and get back to you.