In our Production Publish ( AEM ) "Revision Clean Up" in Daily Maintenance Window is showing "Task does not exist"
and not able to make it active or run manually.
This is active on our other environments and even on Production Author it is active.
I tried to compare the properties of component "com.adobe.granite.maintenance.crx.impl.RevisionCleanupTask" between Prod and UAT and found that below property is missing in Prod where the task is not active.
job.topics = com/adobe/granite/maintenance/job/RevisionCleanupTask
So i tried to add this to /libs/settings/granite/operations/maintenance/granite_daily/granite_RevisionGC from crxde and restarted AEM instance
but still it is not reflecting in the component properties.
Could you please help me on how to make this Task active again.
Thanks & Regards